Poll: 90% of adults would break up with a partner who didn't like their dog

Love me, love my dog.  It's an old saying, but a new study suggests it very much true.

A survey of 3,500 dog owners commissioned by the dog-walking service Wag! finds four out of five dog owners saying they'd break up with their human partner if they didn't dig their four-legged one. 

Some 86% of respondents say they'd choose their pooch over the person.  That ranks higher than those who said they'd split with a potential mate if they didn't want kids. 

“It comes as no surprise to us at Wag! that dog parents place a premium on their dogs’ opinions of other humans and that this plays a deciding factor in their love lives,” says Wag! CEO Hilary Schneider.

The survey also revealed that about 30% of dog owners have used their pups as an icebreaker to try to land a mate, with 6 in 10 saying they've been flirted with while out and about with their dog.

The poll noted that 73% of people said they'd be more likely to "swipe right" for people who've posed with their pooches in online dating pics.  If you're not into dating apps, that means posing with a dog is more likely to attract interest than not.

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