Dating Trends: Freckling

Yikes – it’s summertime (well, on Thursday)! This means with the change of the weather comes a change in dating trends. We all got used to the winter trends like Marleying and cuffing. But now, we have something else to watch out for. Freckling is the new summer thing. And many of us are already doing it.

Freckling is when you get involved with someone for a fling of sorts and then drop them the second autumn rolls around. It sounds kind of harsh – that’s probably because it is. We’re so prone to getting involved in cool summer romances when the weather’s nice and everything seems right with the world. But the reality? We’re going to drop them the second the leaves change.

There’s a part of freckling that makes it different from any other time you’ve started something up with someone and stopped it. Your freckles will probably only fade temporarily. Chances are, your summer fling will end on mutual terms, and you’ll spend the rest of the year lurking on each other’s Instagrams and hoping for another shot at summer romance later on.

It’s kind of nice in a way, right?

Source: Independent

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