Hannah's Headlines- 8/10/2018


The Peak Of The Perseid Meteor Shower Is Going To Be Spectacular - Get ready to look up in the sky see tons of shooting stars.

The Perseid meteor shower is about to peak with 50 to 70 meteors an hours. That’s a lot of wished to make! The shower's peak will be visible both the nights of Aug. 11-12 and Aug. 12-13.

The cool part? The moon will be close to a new moon, which will make the shower brighter, so grab a patch of grass, relax and try to be patient.Source: Space

Pumpkin Spice Lattes Reportedly Returning August 28th

It may be hot as blazes in most of the country, but it seems Starbucks already has its eyes on the fall. And of course, that could mean only one thing – Pumpkin Spice Lattes are on the way.

According to reports, the coffee chain is planning to bring back the fall favorite on August 28th, with supplies already making its way to some stores. If this seems too early to you, well, it is. It is actually the earliest date Starbucks has brought the PSL back in years, with the drink first returning to menus last year on September 1st.

And those aren’t the only fall drinks coming back on the Tuesday before Labor Day weekend. Internal Starbucks memos shows that the Salted Caramel Mocha and the Teavana Pumpkin Spice Chai Tea Latte will also be returning. What’s more, the company is planning to roll out new fall items in September, including the espresso-mocha Cordusio, the Cold Foam Dark Cocoa Nitro and the Iced Maple Pecan Latte with Cold Foam. 

  • In Other PSL News…Starbucks just introduced something called Pumpkin Spice Cookie Straws, which as the title suggests are edible straws with the PSL flavor. They’ve also added Pumpkin Spice Flavored Ground Coffee K-Cup Pods for those who want the PSL flavor at home.

Source: Business Insider

A New Study Says Trying Too Hard at Work is Bad for Your Career

In the US, it's common for people to speak with pride about their stressful jobs and long hours put in at work. Studies even show that American employees in the US tend to work longer, take fewer vacations, and socialize less on the job.

But according to a new study from researchers at the City University of London, working too hard can have a negative effect on your career and your overall well-being, as The Cut reported.

Researchers looked at the effects of overtime work and "work intensity," or the effort put into work in a certain time period, on both overall well-being (stress, fatigue, and job satisfaction) and career outcomes (career prospects, job security, and recognition). Their data came from 51,895 employees from 36 European countries in a variety of industries.

"We were somewhat surprised to find that work effort, whether overtime or work intensity, did not predict any positive outcomes for employees," Dr. Argyro Avgoustaki, assistant professor of management at ESCP Europe Business School and Dr. Hans Frankort, senior lecturer in strategy at Cass Business School, the authors of the study, told INSIDER in a joint email.

In fact, more work effort predicted reduced well-being and career-related outcomes.

Link: https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/whats

Survey: Pet Owners Happier, Wealthier, More Fit Than Non-Owners

If you think pets are the pits, you may not be living to your potential. A new survey finds that people who own pets are happier, earn more money, and exercise more frequently than those who don’t.

In a poll of 1,000 British dog and cat owners over 55 and 1,000 people in the same age group who don’t have any pets, researchers calculated that pet owners were twice as likely to consider themselves a success. In fact, 9 in 10 owners agreed that their furry family members were good for their health and well-being. The belief makes sense: the survey showed that pet owners log nearly twice as much exercise, getting a good sweat about five times per week, versus just three time a week for the non-owners.

“The many benefits of pet ownership also include the cardio-vascular exercise of dog-walking, and even the light housework associated with feeding and clearing up after our beloved animals,” says psychologist and author Corinne Sweet in a release.

The survey, commissioned by McCarthy & Stone, a leading retirement housebuilder in the United Kingdom, might make you wonder more about the seemingly sadder lives of the non-owner group. That’s because the researchers claim pet owners surveyed were more likely to be married, have a child, hold a college degree, and work the “perfect job.”

But perhaps most shockingly, having a cat or dog is somehow linked to a higher salary. Pet-loving participants earned nearly $5,200 more per year than their counterparts.

Link: https://www.studyfinds.org/survey-pet-owners\

The Most Common Last Names In The U.S.

While there are definitely people out there with unique last names, there are also plenty of surnames that are so common you probably know several people with them, none of whom are related. Well, now a new report reveals the most common last names in the country, and it may just be yours.

The site 24/7 Wall Street reviewed Census data to find the 50 most common last names in the U.S., noting that the most common can be traced back to Europe and England, although 12 of the Top 50 are Spanish, Cuban or Mexican in origin. 

Not surprising, the overall most common surname in the U.S. is Smith, with 2,442,977 total occurrences, or 828.8 per 100,000 people. And the name continues to grow, up 2.7% since 2000.

Top Ten Most Common Surnames In The U.S.(click here for the complete list)

  1. Smith
  2. Johnson
  3. Williams
  4. Brown
  5. Jones
  6. Garcia
  7. Miller
  8. Davis
  9. Rodriguez
  10. Martinez

Source: 24/7 Wall Street

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