Hannah's Headline- 12/6/2018


Ever Wonder The Best Day and Time To Go On Tinder To Look At Matches?

Ever wonder why some days on Tinder feels so fruitless and some have new matches? Or what the *best* time to try to meet someone via app is? Well, Tinder did some research on user behavior in the past year and have just revealed these answers in their 2018 "Year in Swipe" review! According to their research, the most popular day of the week to swipe was, drum roll please... Monday. The best time was 6-9pm (your local time). And the most active month was August.

  • When do you like to go on Tinder and look for matches? Is it mostly when you’re board?

Mom, 88, Finally Meets Daughter She Thought Died at Birth

After trying to find her birth mother and having no luck, Connie Moultroup was given a DNA testing kit from her daughter last Christmas. That Ancestry.com kit led to the 69-year-old woman to a cousin and finally to her mother, Genevieve Purinton.

Purinton, 88, had Connie when she was just 18 and as an unwed mother, the Indiana hospital where she gave birth told her a life-altering lie: that her baby died during birth. Purinton never had any other children and thought she was alone after the death of her siblings, so she was very surprised to learn her daughter was alive and well. And now 69 years later, the two women have finally had the chance to meet. They look exactly alike and are thrilled to have this second chance to get to know each other.

“It is a Christmas miracle,” Moultroup says of finding and meeting her mom. “I don’t think Santa can outdo this one.”

Source: Yahoo

Shelter’s “Holiday Sleepover” Program Helps Dogs Find Forever Homes

An Ohio animal shelter is helping dogs find forever homes this season with its “Holiday Sleepover” program. It allows people to bring a dog home for a few days over the holidays, knowing lots of them will have a hard time bringing their furry friends back to the shelter.

The Holiday sleepover program also gives the dogs a chance for some normalcy and helps prepare them for being long-term foster pets or even being adopted. Plus, plenty of folks could use some extra companionship during this time of year, even if it’s just for a few days.

Kelly Connelly already adopted the dog she took home to spend with her family for Thanksgiving. She says they had plans to get a dog, but not until 2019, but Rosie had other plans for them. “She was just the perfect fit,”Connelly says. “And we’re glad that she’s ours now.”

Source: ABC News

Spending Limits, Not Being Selfish Are Keys to Happy Holiday: Study

It’s the most expensive time of the year.

With the holidays approaching, everyone is getting ready to empty their wallets. But that may not necessarily bring cheer, especially when it comes to getting a gift for that special someone in your life.

A new survey of more than 1,000 married couples from Quicken shows how couples handle gifts for each other, and found that one in five people have forgotten to buy their spouse a gift.

Most people really are that selfish. Almost a third of them say they spend more on themselves than they do on their spouse during the holiday season. When it comes to a spouse’s gift, the survey showed that 70 percent of couples set an agreed limit on how much they should spend on gifts.

Out of the 30 percent who do not set a limit, almost one-fourth of couples wish that their partner spent more on them, compared to only 10 percent of people in relationships where a limit is set.

Those who did set limits report being more satisfied in their marriages than those who don’t.

But agreeing on a number isn’t the answer to all your holiday money woes. Almost half of people who set a spending limit don’t honor it. While 81 percent spend more than they said they would, 19 percent let their partner think they spent more than they actually did.

Link: https://nypost.com/2018/12/05/spending-limits-not-bein

A Bright Comet Will Pass By Us This Month 

The brightest comet of the year will shoot past Earth later this month.

The comet will be closest to us on Sunday, December 16th and will be one of the ten closest to Earth since 1950 and the 20th closest approach since the ninth century. The comet and fuzzy-looking area around it will be two to three times the diameter of the moon.

The comet should be visible to the naked eye, but using binoculars or a small telescope will give the best views, particularly away from city lights. The full moon will hamper viewing as well. Source: USA Today

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