Hannah's Headlines- 12/10/2018


Experts Say You Should Create A Fake Facebook Account

One of these days, we’re going to have to log into Facebook just to pay our bills! It seems like we have to have a Facebook account for everything, but with so much invasion of privacy on the Internet these days, what do you do when you don’t want a Facebook account? Experts say you should just create a fake. But be super careful…

It’s really easy these days to get caught when you’ve made a fake profile. Putting photos up, and really lying about your info could be bad. But it’s not about lying about who you are – it’s about being anonymous. Catfishing isn’t what we’re going for. The answer is to make a burner number through an app that you only use for social media. You could even take it a step further and make a separate email address, too.

The idea is that when your info gets out to a bunch of apps and Facebook ads, they won’t have your REAL information. It’s really not a bad idea when you think about how many dating apps need your Facebook info!

Source: Huffington Post

What Happens To Unsold Christmas Trees

A lot of people have probably already gotten their Christmas trees, or about to get them, and as we get closer to Christmas there will probably be a lot less trees to choose from. But there will always be some trees that don’t get sold during the holidays, which does seem like a waste. Well, did you ever wonder what happens to all those trees? 

Well, according to Rocco Malanga, the owner of Cedar Grove Christmas Trees in Cedar Grove, New Jersey, a lot of those unused trees wind up getting chopped up for mulch, although some go to farms for livestock. Still, Malanga notes, “But if we've done our job correctly, there's not a lot that we have to deal with."

But those aren’t the only uses for unused Christmas trees. Some trees actually go to the beach  to help areas that suffered erosion, some of which were the result of hurricanes. The trees can be fastened together and held down to trap sand. Dry trees can also break down to help create sand dunes, which will protect areas during storms because they absorb the impact of winds and waves.

Trees are also used to help restore coastal marshes, and in Illinois they’ve been used to create nesting structures for endangered herons. They’ve also been fed to goats in San Francisco, and even dropped in lakes in South Dakota to improve fish habitats.

Source: USA Today

House From 'A Christmas Story' Lets Fans Stay the Night

The owner of the home featured in the film A Christmas Story is allowing fans to spend the night in the iconic house -- for a price.

Brian Jones, 42, a Florida resident, said he used to sell replica leg lamps from the 1983 film and he ended up buying the Cleveland home used for exterior shots when it was posted on eBay in 2004.

"I just thought, 'That is the opportunity of a lifetime right there. That won't come along twice,'" Jones told WGN-TV.

Jones said she spent years making the inside of the house look like the interior from the film, which was mostly shot on a sound stage.

"What I've tried to do is basically create the experience when you're coming here, it feels like their house," Jones said.

Jones is now allowing fans to pay to spend the night in the home, but the honor costs up to $3,000 during the busy Christmas season. He said the stays will be cheaper during less busy times of the year.

"You can sit on the couch, grab the leg lamp, crawl under the sink, do whatever. You get to basically play in the house," he said.


SoCal Nuns Accused Of Embezzling $500-Thousand For Trips, Gambling

Catholic Church officials say two nuns are responsible for misappropriating a large amount of money from a Southern California Catholic school – to the tune of at least $500-thousand.

The monsignor of St. James Catholic Church wrote in a letter to parishioners that Sister Mary Margaret Kreuper and Sister Lana Changwere found to have used funds, thought to be up to 500-thousand-dollars, set aside for use at the St. James Catholic School in Redondo Beach. What’d they allegedly spend it on? Travel…and gambling.

The information was uncovered by an internal investigation, but the church and archdiocese have chosen not to press for criminal charges. They say that the sisters are still in the order, that restitution and punishment will be handled from within. The sisters have reportedly owned up to everything and are asking for their parishoners’ forgiveness.

Source: CNN

Parents Only Have Ten Years To Influence Kids’ Taste In Music

Any parent will tell you they are forced to listen to some truly annoying music to make their kids happy, but many will do whatever they can to make sure their kids eventually grow out of that and listen to something good. Well, it turns out, parents don’t have many years to influence that musical taste. 

A new survey by Deezer finds the latest parents have to influence their kids musical tastes is age 10, with 82% of parents saying their kids are still open to hearing new music until that age. But once they hit ten forget about it. The survey notes that after that age, they are more likely to dislike music they don’t know or hear often.

And a kid's musical taste is really important to a lot of moms and dads. In fact, 85% say it’s important their kids experience different musical styles, although parents do hope their kids wind up sharing their own taste in music. It seems 75% of parents try to get their kids to like their favorite songs. And apparently dads are more invested in kids sharing their musical taste, with 83% of fathers wanting them to have the same taste in music, as opposed to 60% of mothers.

Source: Today

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