Hannah's Headlines- 12/11/2018


Study: You Shouldn’t Drink Coffee Right After You Wake Up 

Coffee drinkers, prepare yourself; we’ve been drinking java at the worst time for our bodies!

While coffee wakes you up first thing in the morning, it may be putting a damper on your internal alert system. You may have heard of the hormone cortisol. It gets released when you are stressed as part of your “fight or flight” response. One of cortisol’s effects is to increase your alertness.

Well one of three peak times of the day for cortisol’s release is when you wake up. That means when you add caffeine not only is the caffeine effect reduced, but your internal rhythms are thrown into tamping down your alertness.

The optimal time to drink that cup of Joe is one hour after waking. We know… but it’s better than developing a tolerance to coffee, right? By the way, the other two peak times cortisol is released are between noon and one p.m. and 5:50 to 6:30 p.m. 

Source: Fox News

Roger, The Ripped Kangaroo And 'True Icon,' Has Died

A burly kangaroo whose buff physique shot him to internet fame has died at the age of 12. "We have lost our beautiful boy, Roger," Chris Barnes, owner of the Kangaroo Sanctuary in Australia, announced on Saturday on Facebook.

Roger, who was 6 foot 7 inches and weighed nearly 200 pounds in his prime, was rescued by Barnes as a joey after his mother was killed on a highway.

"I built it so they had a place to live," he said. Roger was the sanctuary's alpha male for many years, Barnes added. "He grew up to be a kangaroo that people from all over the world have grown to love as much as we love him too."

Roger's death led to an outpouring of grief on social media. Australian singer Natalie Imbruglia called him "such a proud strong boy" in an Instagram post, while the Australian government's tourism agency described him as a "true icon." The beefcake kangaroo became an internet sensation in 2015, when a picture of him crushing a metal bucket with his bare paws went viral on social media.

"As a man kangaroo if you want to have a wife you are going to have to fight for her," Barnes told CNN at the time. "Now you try and get your opponent in a big bear hug basically and wrestle them, and Roger did that to the bucket."

Despite his bulging biceps, the kangaroo could not defeat the aging process, suffering from a loss of vision and arthritis in later life.

But Barnes assured fans in a 2016 video that Roger was loving retirement. "[Roger is] taking it easy, not chasing anyone anymore, not mating the girls," Barnes said as he filmed the kangaroo lying on his back. "(He's) just enjoying his time lying around like this."


Study Says James Bond Is An Alcoholic

Movie fans love to watch James Bond be all suave and dashing on the big screen but apparently looks can be deceiving. Believe it or not, a new study suggests the super spay may actually be a raging alcoholic.

In a new paper, titled “License to Swill,” researchers from the University of Otago in New Zealand argue, “There is strong and consistent evidence that James Bond has a chronic alcohol consumption problem at the ‘severe’ end of the spectrum.” 

They argue that since Bond debuted on screen sixty years ago, he was seen drinking 109 times, or an average of 4.5 times per movie. His consumption was particularly bad in 2008’s “Quantum of Solace,” where he had six martinis, which researchers say would put his blood alcohol level at about 0.36, which could be fatal.

And when he drinks he is far from responsible, engaging in risky behavior like fighting, car crashes, gambling, having sex with enemies and more. In fact, he is such a bad alcoholic, that the study finds he satisfies at least six of the 11 criteria for an abuse disorder.

Now if you think this study is odd, apparently that was the point. It actually won “Medical Journal of Australia’s” Christmas competition, where quirky studies go head-to-head with one another.

Source: New York Post

Your Hair Tie Is Probably Crawling With Bacteria

We know that using some things every single day gets them dirty and that’s why we change and launder our undies and activewear after each use. But did you ever stop to think about your hair accessories and when the last time you cleaned them was? Hair ties and hair bands can have all kinds of gross germs on them and since we touch them with our hands all the time, we’re touching that nastiness too.

“Many fabrics absorb sweat and bacteria throughout the day, including hair ties and hair bands,” dermatologist Dr. Rachel Nazarian explains, “especially during workouts.”

The upside is that unless the items are coming into contact with the skin regularly, like a headband rubbing your forehead with sweat and bacteria, they’re not a big problem for skin. And the fix is really easy: just wash the dang things, people. Dr. Nazarian advises a daily cleaning, especially after every workout. She says basic soap and water will do the trick and you can even put the hair ties inside a pocket of your clothing before you do laundry and let the machine do the work for you. It’s simple and effective and you can’t beat that.

Source: Women's Health

Delta Is Cracking Down On “Support Animals”

Don’t plan on flying Delta with your emotional support pet anytime soon.

Delta Airlines is banning emotional support animals on flights longer than eight hours. And the airline is banning puppies and kittens on all flights. Delta announced Monday it won't allow animals younger than four months as support animals on any flights, beginning one week from today, December 18th.

What caused Delta to change its policy? How about an 84-percent increase in reported incidents involving service and support animals over the past two years? Those incidents include animals relieving themselves on flights, biting passengers and crew, and one widely reported attack by a 70-pound dog.

Look for more airlines to put a damper on the exploited rules too.Source: Bloomberg

Another Dear Dave came in...can you help Taylor* out?

(*Named changed)

"I just did an “ancestry” thing researching my family. I found some shocking information. According to the website, my older sister is listed as having a different father than my younger sister and I.

The father is different than the man we all call “dad.”

I’m not sure who to talk to? My mom? My Dad? My Sister?

The way I’m reading this ancestry report, my sister is only my half-sister. What do you think?"

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