Hannah's Headlines - 4/19/2019

NATIONAL CLEAN OUT YOUR MEDICINE CABINET DAY – Tomorrow is Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day - Sunday is Easter

Study Says To Beware“Gluten-Free” Menu Items At Restaurants- If you have a gluten intolerance, don’t trust that restaurant food labeled gluten-free is just that.

A new study finds that nearly a third of restaurant items labeled gluten-free actually contain gluten. Researchers from Columbia University found the worst offenders were pizza and pasta. More than 50-percent of samples labeled gluten-free contained some gluten.

Gluten showed up more often in dinners than in breakfast items. Also, restaurant foods labeled gluten-free were less likely to test positive in the western U.S. than in the Northeast. If you want to trust an eatery, fast food joints are more likely to have the offending ingredient than fast casual or casual restaurants.

Cross contamination is likely the reason for the levels in foods. If you’re required to go gluten-free, whether for celiac disease or another autoimmune disorder, be cautious about where you go to eat.

The study is published in the latest edition of the American Journal of Gastroenterology.

Source:USA Today

Why Can't I Eat Just One Chip? Study Explains Science of Crunchy Foods

People are more likely to eat more chips when they're labeled "crunchy," according to a study published in the journal Appetite. Scientists found that study participants consumed more chips and candy while watching a movie when their snack bags were labeled as crunchy. They also discovered it takes more than just good marketing to make people overeat. People also consumed more chips from their "crunchy" labeled bags when they weren't distracted by wearing headphones and better able to hear the sound of their snacks.

  • Have you ever been able to eat just one potato chip?
  • What food is it impossible for you to have just one of?


How Much “Me Time” Do You Get in A Day And How Much Do You Want?

Struggling to find a little “me time”? You’re far from alone because the average American only gets five hours of “me time” in a week — that’s just 43 minutes a day. In addition to a lack of “me time,” a study examining where and how people like to unwind found the average person only gets into their ideal headspace 3.5 days a week, so it’s no surprise that one in four wouldn’t describe themselves as “relaxed.” The results from a survey of 2,000 Americans found that too much noise, current events, jobs, partners and kids are the top five things that prevent people from getting some R&R.

  • I get about an hour of “me time” every day but would like around three hours of it. How much do you get and want?

Want to feel better? Smile, even though your heart is breaking

"Turning that frown upside down" might not just be wishful thinking if you want to have a better day. According to a new study, smiling can actually make you feel happier.

While the effect might not last long, researchers from the University of Tennessee and Texas A&Msaythey've proven that facial expressions can affect people's moods.

"It appears that the physical act of smiling can make us feel happy, that frowning can make us feel sad, that scowling can make us feel angry," says Nicholas Coles, a PhD student in social psychology and lead researcher at UT.

The study's conclusions were the result of 138 separate studies on the subject spanning the past 50 years, and involving more than 11,000 test subjects from all over the world. 

"Psychologists have been testing this idea since the early 1970s, so we wanted to look at all the evidence," Coles says in a statement. 

The effect can vary from person to person, the scientist explains -- and while he notes smiling more won't "cure" somebody who is depressed, it can give them a much-needed boost. 

Nashville man comes home to find naked guy sitting on his couch drinking juice

When you return home after a hard day at the office this is the last thing you want to find. A man said he arrived at his Nashville, Tennessee, home on Wednesday to find a naked man sitting on his couch sipping on juice, reportsWKRN.

The homeowner said he called out to the stranger in an attempt to get him to leave, but the man just screamed and dropped the juice, according to a police report.

The suspect refused to leave, so the homeowner called police. When officers arrived, they told the man to come outside, and the man exited the residence, wearing only a t-shirt, and continued screaming.

Police identified him as 67-year-oldJames Wooten.

The resident said Wooten had consumed ice cream and juice from his freezer. Wooten arrested on charges including public indecency and aggravated burglary. Bond for Wooten was set at $5,000.

Police believe Wooten gained access to the house via an open window in the bedroom.

New Zealand teen breaks world record for longest time on swing

New Zealand teen Charlie O'Brien has broken the world record for the longest time swinging on a swing, reportsNewshub.

The 16-year-old has been constantly swinging at local Taradale Park since 6 a.m. on Wednesday. By 2:15 p.m., on Thursday he smashed the previous world record of 32 hours.

He could have stopped there, but O'Brien just kept on going. By the time his feet were back on solid ground, Charlie had spent 33 hours, 11 minutes and one second swinging.

To officially break the record he had to be moving at all times, and was not allowed to be pushed. Charlie was allowed a five-minute bathroom break for every hour he spent on the swing. After awhile, he told the crowd that his butt hurt so they gave him a cushion. 

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