Parents Shelling Out Big Bucks For YouTube Summer Camp

School’s almost out and parents everywhere are finalizing plans for what their kiddos will be doing over the break. There are all kinds of activities and options, but this year, the hot trend is YouTube summer camp. It’s not for them to sit around and watch videos all day, it actually teaches kids how to shoot the videos, edit sound, and even create a personal brand so they can be Internet stars like the kids they see online.

Ryanof YouTube channel Ryan ToysReview, is a little tyke who earns millions of dollars a year by posting videos online, and kids are inspired to want to do the same thing. So now there are various camps out there teaching them how to become a YouTube star and parents are willing to fork over up to $1,000 a week for them. Ed-tech company iD Tech offersweek-long campsat colleges across the country and puts video cameras in the small hands of kids who want to create vlogs, do video game walk-throughs, and make “safe but funny” fail videos or product reviews. Another camp called"YouTube STAR Creator Studio"advertises, “Become an Internet sensation … This camp is bound to go viral.”

Parents may just be sending their kids to YouTube camp because that’s what their kids are interested in, without really thinking it’ll become a profitable side gig. But if a week at camp turns a kid into the next big online personality who rakes in the cash by opening toys in videos, even better.


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