Hannah's Headlines - 5/29/2019

Today is National Biscuit Day

Study: Women Are Happier Without Marriage And Kids

From the time we’re little girls, society starts telling us we need to get married and have children when we grow up so we can live happily ever after. But new research says that’s just not true. According to a prominent expert in happiness, women who aren’t married and don’t have kids are actually the happiest of all.

Behavioral scientistPaul Dolanrecently spoke at the Hay festival in the U.K., telling crowds that the latest data shows those traditional symbols of success don’t always equal happiness. He explained that women with no spouse and no children actually live longer than their married child-raising peers.

Dolan summed up studies and broke it down in an easy to understand way, explaining that there’s some “good longitudinal data” following the same people over time, but he says, “I’m going to do a massive disservice to that science and just say: if you’re a man, you should probably get married; if you’re a woman, don’t bother.”

  • He referenced findings in his new book, “Happily Ever After,” and the American Time Use Survey, saying men benefit from marriage as they “calmed down” and end up making more money and living longer. But on the flip side, a married woman “… has to put up with that, and dies sooner than if she never married. The healthiest and happiest population subgroup are women who never married or had children,” says Dolan.

Source:Harper's Bazaar

Constipation Allegedly Causes Woman to Temporarily Lose 10 Years Worth of Memories

A Hong Kong woman reportedly suffered a case of short-term amnesia, which made her unable to remember anything from the last 10 years of her life, after straining too hard on the toilet due to constipation.

Experts say that while unlikely, this side-effect may be explained by the lack of oxygen to certain parts of the brain.

In a bizarre case recently reported by China News, a woman who strained too hard trying to evacuate stool ended up losing most of her memories from the last 10 years for a period of about 8 hours. According to a member of her family, who recounted the events on social media, the woman had been suffering from constipation for a while and spent a long time in the toilet trying to move bowels. When she came out, she appeared to have forgotten most of the things that she had experienced over the last decade or so.

While many people dismissed the whole thing as fake, Chinese neurosurgeon Peng Jiaxiong confirmed that in very rare cases, some people may experience amnesia as a side-effect of over-straining on the toilet bowl. Peng explained that the condition is most likely caused by insufficient blood flow to the brain. Normally, the heart ensures a steady flow of oxygen-full blood to our brain through the jugular vein, but an increase in abdominal and intra-cerebral pressure caused by over-straining causes the incomplete closure of the vein, which may lead to hypoxia.


Is It Finally Time To Quit Your Job?

If you fantasize about quitting your job and never looking back, you’re not alone. Lots of us think about leaving our jobs, in fact, research shows that women thinkabout quitting their jobs 17 times a yearon average. That means more than once a month we question if we should stay in our position or find a new one and that’s a lot. Most of the time, we end up sticking it out where we’re working, but how do you know if it’s just a phase or if it’s actually time to move on? This is what the experts advise.

  • Figure out what’s making you unhappy - “New York Times” bestselling author and happiness guruGretchen Rubinsuggestsgoing through every single aspect of your jobuntil you figure out what the issue is. That’s how you’ll know if it can be fixed, like changing hours or getting more training, or if you need to change jobs to resolve it.
  • Look at the route of progression in your company -Look at the higher-ups in your company and think about if you’d like to do their jobs. If they seem appealing, staying where you are and moving up could be good. But if you have no interest in your manager’s or their manager’s job, it may be time to move on and find something that appeals to you.
  • Work out if the corporate grind is for you -The traditional 9 to 5 job isn’t for everyone, so if you’re itching to move to a new country or to turn your hobby into a real opportunity, as scary as it is, it could be time to take the plunge.
  • Acknowledge it if things aren’t going to get better -Optimism is important, but be honest about whether the positive outlook is legit or just a convenient excuse or a flat out denial. If you feel like you’re always expecting things to get better after this next hurdle, but they never do, it may be time to accept things might not actually get better at this job, so it’s time to move on.


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