Hannah's Headlines - 7/22/2019

Today is National Hammock Day

“Keto Rash” Is A Scary Side Effect Of The Low-Carb Diet

People love the keto diet because it helps them shed pounds, but it can come with some unpleasant side effects including keto flu and keto breath. But now we’re hearing about another side effect from the low-carb diet: painful, full-body rashes. And the worst part? This “keto rash” can actually scar you for life.

Dozens of dieters have shared their scary “keto rash” storieson Reddit, hoping for help with the itchy, uncomfortable condition. It seems the rash tends to start near the chest and then spreads to basically every part of the body, even the scalp, leaving brown marks on the skin for good.

The condition is technically called prurigo pigmentosa andresearchshows a link between the rash and ketosis - that state dieters hope to reach where the body burns fat for fuel. Otherstudiesshow factors like sunlight and extreme heat could make the rash worse. Topical creams and anti-inflammatory drugs can temporarily ease symptoms, but there’s only one real way to get rid of the rash: eating a lot more carbs. Once the rash is gone, unfortunately, there’s no way to get rid of the brown marks it leaves behind.

Source:The Daily Meal

Would You Sit In The Middle Seat of The Plane If It Were Redesigned?

A new design that makes the airplane middle seat much more comfortable has been cleared for takeoff, and could be available to commercial air travelers as early as next April. The Federal Aviation Administration approved the S1 seating configuration developed by Molon Labe Seating last month. Creating a better middle seat experience has been an obsession for the company's CEO, Hank Scott. "We started this company to make flying suck less and to give people more space," Scott told TODAY. The S1 seat design removes some of the major pain points of modern day flying. The middle seat is slightly lower to the ground, staggered and includes an extra three inches of space, which allows the person sitting in it to use the arm rests, without having to fight for space with neighboring passengers.


Carpenter With No Kids Saves To Send 33 Strangers To College

Dale Schroedernever married or had kids of his own, but he left a legacy behind that’s helped dozens of young people. After working for 67 years as a carpenter at the same business in Des Moines, Iowa, Schroeder had nearly $3-million in savings and he used it all to start a college scholarship for strangers.

Before he died in 2005, Schoreder got help from his friend, lawyerSteve Nielsen, to start the fund. He told Nielsen that he didn’t have the chance to go to college himself, but he wanted to help others get their education. After living frugally all his life, his savings have now paid for 33 students in Iowa to go to college.

Kira Conradis the last of “Dale’s Kids” to benefit from his scholarship and she doesn’t take the life-changing gift for granted. “For a man that would never meet me to give me basically a full ride to college, that’s incredible,” she says. “That doesn’t happen.”


You Can Pay To Cuddle With Cows At This Bed And Breakfast

Pet owners know that playing with cats and dogs can be therapeutic and leaves them feeling happy, but it turns out, spending time with one barnyard animal can be really relaxing, too. AtMountain Horse Farm, a luxurious bed and breakfast in upstate New York, they now offer visitors the chance to cuddle with cows.

Suzanne Vullers,owner of the Finger Lakes region farm, says the 33-acre ranch had been offering therapeutic interactions between horses and guests, but after a trip to her home country, the Netherlands, she learned about cow cuddling and decided to add it. “We felt it would be an amazing addition to the wellness work we were already doing,” she explains.

Now visitors can book a cuddle sesh with the farm’s two cows,BonnieandBella, for $75 an hour. The cows are known to love a snuggle, but they’re also free to roam around during the “Cow Experience.” Vullers says guests are surprised by how “smart and funny” the cows are and that connecting with them is as much their choice as it is the human’s. She says, “When that connection happens it's magical because it comes from a mutual desire."


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