Hannah's Headlines - 8/19/2019


Woman Rushed To Hospital With “Kidney Stone” Pain Gives Birth To Triplets

South Dakota momDanette Giltzthought she and her husband,Austin,were done having kids after their son and daughter were born. So when she started having stomach pain, she assumed it was kidney stones (which she had before) and rushed to the hospital for treatment. Imagine her surprise when doctors told her she was actually 34 weeks pregnant and going into labor …and about to have twins!

It gets crazier. Glitz got a bigger surprise during her c-section when docs delivered not two, butthreebabies. Life changed forever for the Giltz family in the course of about four minutes, when they went from being a family of four to a family of seven. Mom and babies are doing well, despite not knowing the babies were on the way. Dad named his triplets - two girls and a boy -Blaze,Gypsy, andNikkiand they are each healthy and weighed around four-pounds at birth.

"You don't ever see triplets being conceived naturally, let alone going 34 weeks without knowing," Danette says. “I go to the doctor's thinking I'll have surgery for kidney stones and end up going into labor with a C-section that night. It's crazy.”


There’s A Tool To Predict Chance Of Rain On Your Wedding Day

When it comes to a wedding, you can plan pretty much everything, except the weather. No one wants rain on their wedding day, even if some people say it’s good luck. But with most wedding dates set months or a year in advance, there hasn’t been a way to predict the weather forecast … until now.

TheMonsoon wedding calculatoruses data from the past 86 years to establish which days have historically been the driest and which ones are most likely to get a downpour. All you have to do is put in your wedding date, or the date of the nuptials you’re attending as a guest, as well as the location and it will predict how likely it is to rain based on the weather in previous years.

Is it 100% accurate? Of course not, but it could help ease the fears of brides-to-be so they don’t feel the need to check the weather forecast hundreds of times. And even if you’re just a wedding guest, it’s nice to know what to plan for, so you can do your hair - or not - accordingly.


Old Bones Reveal Man Sized Penguins Existed- Researchers in New Zealand say bones found there show there once were man-sized penguins in the region.

The news published last week in the paleontology journal Alcheringa says the feet and leg bones were found last year in the Waipara River near Christchurch. The paper's co-author,Paul Scofieldsays the discovery shows the penguin species stood around five-feet-two inches tall. Another such penguin was found in Antarctica in 2000.

It lived some 60-million-years ago during the Paleocene Epoch several million years after the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Source:Learning English

The Average Cost of a Wedding Is Basically the Price of a New Car

Weddings are known for costing a small fortune, and according to The Knot's recent Real Weddings Study, that's not changing anytime soon. After surveying over 14,000 couples who got married in 2018, they found that couples are currently spending an average of $33,931 on their big day, and that doesn't even include honeymoon expenses. So, what makes the average cost of a wedding so lofty? For starters, The Knot found that the bulk of this price comes from the reception venue, which averages a whopping $15,439. This means the venue may eat up nearly half of a couple's average wedding budget. The next most expensive thing for the big day is the engagement ring, which on average costs $5,680, followed by the reception band, which averages $4,247. The least expensive costs are smaller details like the favors ($245), hairstylist ($123), and makeup artist ($102).

  • What was the biggest expense of your wedding? How long did it take you to pay off your wedding and was it worth it?


You’re Not The Only One Crying On The Job

There’s some times when the job just takes a toll, and there’s nothing left to do BUT cry. As much as you may think that you’re the ONLY one that grabs the bathroom farthest from the door to do a little boo hoo,your co-worker is doing the same thing in the stallright next to you.

Actually 80% of your co-workers take part in this. And 14% of you guys are on a weekly schedule.

We know you’re not crying just to be crying, your mean co-workers and bosses are to blame...for the most part (45%). Here’s the rest of the reasons:

  • Personal probs from home(19%)
  • Crazy workloads(16%)
  • Bullying(13%)

Bottom line? If you need to do a little weeping,you’ve got company.

Source:CBS News

Trust Your Friends To Pick Your Dates? There’s An App!

We keep our friends around because we can trust ‘em, right? But do we trust them enough to pick our dates, too?Well...there’s an app createdjustfor them to step in.

No more lonely online dating thanks to the appShip. It doesn’t matter if you’re Team Apple or Team Android, everyone can be a part of it.

So here’s how it works:

  • Create an account, and add your friends(and fam)to be a part of your “crew.”
  • Once they’re in, “the crew” can talk about the profiles that theylikeoraren’t feelin’at all
  • Then they’ll swipe left or right on your behalf

Nice and easy, right? Why not get your buds involved before things gettoo deep?They’re going to have to approve later down the road anyway.


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