Always too cold? Too hot? There's an app -- and a gadget -- for that

For people who always run either too hot or too cold -- or sometimes both in a given day -- there's a new gadget on your wrist that can lend a hand.

Developed by MIT scientists, theEmbr Wave braceletlooks like a typical smart watch, but it actually serves as a little thermostat for your body. The discreet gadget uses precise thermal wave pulses on your wrist to either cool you off or warm you up, making you feel five degrees more comfortable in minutes.

In the same way that holding a cup of coffee can "warm you up," or sticking your feet in the pool on a hot day can cool you off, the Embr doesn't change your core temperature, but it changes theperceivedtemperature of your surroundings.

Pressing the "plus" side of a slider sends warming signals to your wrist, while the "minus" has the opposite effect.

Using pulses of either warm or cool temperatures at your wrist, the Embr essentially "hacks" your body into making it feel more comfortable. The device can be customized for the user, turning on at scheduled times, or for a particular duration and temperature.

So if your one of the countless people with no control over the thermostat in your office, the $299 Embr could prove to be a game changer -- and it's certainly more discreet than throwing on that ugly sweater hanging over your chair, or grabbing a magazine to fan yourself.

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