What To Do If You Catch Your Friend’s Partner Cheating

Ever heard the phrase “hope for the best, but prepare for the worst?” This next piece is going to apply that to your friendships. Hopefully, you’ll never have to use this information, but here’s what experts say you should do if you catch your friend’s “other” withsomeone else.

  • Confirm The Cheating is Happening.It’s one thing if you catch your friend’s boo at some club making out with the bartender. If you’re justhearingthat the affair happened you should check the reliability of your sources. "You have to have the facts. If you don't and you are basing your actions on rumors,” says couples therapistDr. Gary Brown. “Then this could pose a major problem for all concerned.”
  • How Close Of Friends Are You Really?“If you are tangentially friends, it may be best to avoid the situation,” licensed clinical social workerMelanie Shapiroexplains. If you’re not close with this “friend” you may not even know their situation. Maybe they’re in an open relationship? You shouldn’t get yourself involved unless it’s someone you hold dear.
  • Put Yourself In Your Friend’s Shoes.Would you want to know if your partner was being unfaithful to you? Would you want to hear it from your friend? Would you believe them? If you’re besties and you think alike, your answers should be similar to theirs. But then again, “some people need blinders because the reality that their partner is cheating on them is something that they just cannot handle,” Shapiro explains.
  • Confront The Cheater First.Go straight to the source of the cheating. Find out what’s really going on and give them a chance to works things out with your friend themselves. The goal should be for them to discuss their own relationship without you involved.

If you decide to tell your friend, even though you’re doing the right thing, and being a loyal confidant, don’t expect to be treated like one. That type of news is bad enough to make even the closest bestie turn on you.

Source:Elite Daily

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