Hannah's Headlines - 12/4/2019


The Newest Dating Trend ‘Fireworking’ and How To Avoid It

Fireworks might be your favorite thing about the Fourth of July, but they could become yourleastfavorite thing about dating in 2020. Yes, ‘Fireworking’ is the new dating trend in town, and here’s what you need to know about it before itblows up in your face.

You may remember that ‘stashing’ was all the rage last year. That’s when your boo kept you a dirty little secret and hid you from friends, family...and their Instagram feeds.

Fireworking is the opposite of that. It’s when someonelovesto show off their new bae to the point that it’s suspicious. Almost like they’re using them to make an ex jealous or as a tool for social media clout. Whatever reason they’re doing it, it isn’t for love, and that’s not cool.

Think you might be getting fireworked?Here are some signs to look out for:

  • You’re treated like eye candy.Does your partner put pressure on you to look amazing every time you guys go out with their friends? Fireworkers want their partner to be perfect all the timebecause their only intention is to show them off like some beauty pageant.
  • Frequent social media updates with the partner.If you feel like your boo is taking paparazzi amounts of photos of you, it could be a sign that the fireworking fuse has been lit. You’re not a reality TV couple, you shouldn’t be broadcasting all the time. If their constant SnapChats of you feel disingenuous,trust your gut.
  • Things are cold when you’re alone.Are you noticing that your partner is super affectionate out in public, but a dead fish when you’re spending time without friends? This could be a red flag that they’re only with you as a front.

Source:Times Of India

How To Get Your Kid On Santa’s Text List

Old school letters toSantaare always fun, but these days your kids can stay in touch with him via text message too.SlickText, a mass text message marketing platform, is helping distribute messages from the North Pole and kids of all ages can get in on the fun for free.

The content is all child-friendly, of course, but when you get on the list, you can choose “child,” “adult,” ot “senior” to get messages tailored to each age group. There are several selections you can make on thesign-up formto help personalize the experience. And here’s what you or your kiddos can look forward to getting:

  • A text from Santa about once every five days until the week before Christmas, then one text a day until the big day.
  • Santa will send Christmas jokes, sayings, recipes, and fun facts to help keep the excitement up.

SlickText swears they won’t spam you and neither will Santa and they won’t try to sell you anything or sell your number to a third party. After Christmas, you won’t get any more messages, but you can opt out anytime by replying with “STOP.” Their website says, “We’re just doing this to spread Christmas cheer.”


You Can Get Paid $1,000 To Watch Every ‘Star Wars’ Movie Back-To-Back

Cabletv.com is looking for someone to sit through all 10 Star Wars movies in a row, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi as well as the prequels The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Plus, don’t forget two of the sequels, The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, not to mention Solo and Rogue One. Getting paid $1,000 dollars to watch all the movies — which according to CableTV.com will take about 22 hours and 25 minutes — sounds like a pretty sweet deal, but you will have to work a bit by basically live-blogging your thoughts and feelings about the movies on social media while you watch, not that that’s very hard. In addition to Blu-Rays of all the Star Wars movies, the lucky candidate will also be awarded with some cool merch including an R2-D2 popcorn popper, a Chewbacca onesie, and a Han Solo Nerf blaster. To apply, you’ll need to fill out an application that includes a 200-word or less explanation of why you think you’re the perfect candidate. This job is open to US citizens only and you have to be older than 18 to apply. Applications are open until December 11 and the chosen candidate will complete their task before the new movie, The Rise of Skywalker, hits theaters later this month.


Does Your Best Friend Curse A Lot? Well That’s A Good Thing!

According to a study done by Maastricht University in the Netherlands, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Stanford and the University of Cambridge. Potty mouthed-people have great interpersonal skills. Research determined that those who curse a lot tend to be way more honest and have a high sense of personal integrity not only in how they carry themselves but how they interact in society too. The conclusion of the study was that people who curse a lot are just trustworthy, genuine, and honest. It’s just another reason to let your F-bombs fly when you’re feeling frustrated!

  • Do some of your best friends curse a lot?
  • Do you curse a lot and find yourself to be a great friend?


Your Smart TV May Be Spying On You- It looks like our privacy is being erased by new technology.

That new television you just got a great deal on could be spying on you. The FBI is warning that smart TVs with internet connections and facial recognition capabilities could be vulnerable to hacking.

Even without a hack, the tech could allow the manufacturer and app developers to keep an eye on you. A malicious actor could do everything from change your channels to spy on what you do and say.

If you aren’t worried, just remember that a few years ago LG, Samsung, and Vizio got caught getting reports of our viewing habits from the smart TVs.

The FBI says that changing your settings, turning off your microphone, and putting black tape over the camera lens should help.


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