Hannah's Headlines - 3/17/2020

Today is St Patrick's Day - Today is National Corned Beef and Cabbage Day

How You Sleep Could Make Or Break Your Relationship

Most people have their own personal “sleep situation.” Some need a fan going... others need the TV on... and somegrown-ass adults still sleep with stuffed animals.But here’s the thing. While having a particular routine might be great for you, it could ruin your chances of having someone sleep next to you.

According to a new study, 62% of people say they‘would hesitate to get involved’with someone whose sleep situation was different from their own. This means getting some shuteye is a serious cause of contention in relationships since people tend to have some steadfast opinions on things like bedroom temp. For example, 42% said they like things warm and toasty, while 44% enjoyed a chilly room.Did you hear that? A thermostat somewhere just exploded.

  • If you’re single and don’t really have a preference, it’s best to lean towards the side ofElsaand go cold. An overwhelming majority of people said they like having bedding with cooling features, and a third said their biggest bedtime pet peeve was waking up in the middle of the night “feeling too hot.”

But even though the majority of people say they’d be “hesitant,” sometimesthe heart wins over the brainand they end up with a boo who is theirpolar-sleep-opposite. And they sacrifice a lot of great REM time for them.The study found that partners with different “sleep needs” average 26 sleepless nights to accommodate their bae.Now that’s love!

Source:Study Finds

Tik-Tok Tells Employees Not To Showcase Ugly People And Their Videos

TikTok claims to be a platform where users can express their true selves. However, if you're poor, disabled or ugly, your videos will be seen by nobody. 

According to an investigation by The Intercept, TikTok moderators are told to suppress posts from users with "abnormal body shape," "ugly facial looks," "too many wrinkles," or those who are obese, lack front teeth, and so on. The site has published two internal documents for moderators who work around the world for the company. Moderators were also told to suppress posts from users who live in obviously rundown residences that are "extremely dirty and messy," have wall cracks, etc.

The Chinese company says the restrictions were put in place to protect people from bullying. However, the "documents contain no mention of any anti-bullying rationale, instead explicitly citing an entirely different justification: The need to retain new users and grow the app.

Source:The Intercept

Even Amazon Is Running Out Of Supplies Now

Now we've done it. Since almost everything on the shelves in local stores is gone and out of stock because of panicked buying, people have turned to Amazon. So now Amazon's out of stock and are warning customers that their deliveries are going to be delayed as the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread.

In a statement, Amazon said: "In particular, you will notice that we are currently out of stock on some popular brands and items, especially in household staples categories." Amazon has also included a note at the top of its website telling customers "inventory and delivery may be temporarily unavailable due to increased demand. Confirm availability at checkout." 

Source: TheHill

The Latest Intense Challenge: “75Hard”

Have you seen the#75Hardhashtag on social media? It’s an intense 75-day challenge that was designed byAndy Frisella. He says75Hardis a mental program that helps you “take complete control of your life” in 75 days, but it’s pretty physical as well.

Here’s what it involves:

  • Follow a diet- it can be anything you choose, from vegetarian to keto, but there’s supposed to be a physical improvement in mind.
  • Two 45-minute workouts a day and one has to be outside- There are no specifics about the kind of exercise you do or how intense it is, just that one workout has to be outside, no matter the weather.
  • No alcohol and no cheat meals- So if you say you’re giving up sugar and have a tiny square of chocolate, you’re supposed to start all over again back on Day one.
  • Take a picture every day- This is to show your progress and help you stay on track.
  • Drink a gallon of water- That’s every single day, too.
  • Read 10 pages of a book- Audiobooks don’t count and you’re supposed to read nonfiction so “you can learn something and grow your mind.”

So yeah, it’s intense. Especially the part that says if you fail to do any of these on any day, you have to start back on day one. Frisellaexplains in a podcastthat the point of it is to help you build self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, grit, perseverance, and resilience. He says by pushing yourself to stay committed to these goals, you develop discipline and at the end of 75 days, “you’ll be a different person, guaranteed.”


Starbucks Is Temporarily “To Go” Only

Starbucks is making some changes to stores during the coronavirus outbreak. The coffee chain has announced they’ll be closing some stores temporarily and turning others into “to-go” only to follow social distancing recommendations.

This means customers won’t be able to sit in inside or outside dining areas, but they’ll still be able to walk up and order at the counter, using the “order ahead” feature on the Starbucks app, and in the drive-thru, as well as use delivery. They say these changes will last at least two weeks and advise customers to use their Starbucks apps to see which stores are open.

Source:New York Post

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