Hannah's Headlines - 4/17/2020

Today is National Cheeseball Day - Today is Blah, Blah, Blah Day (The intent of this day is to do all of the projects and things that people have been nagging you to do. This may include quitting a habit, losing weight, or working on home projects.)

Sports are back! Well, Major League Eating, at least

With sporting events of all kinds cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, one league is looking to take a bite out of the under-served market of bored sports fans: Major League Eating.

The MLE, arguably most famous for staging the annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest on July 4th, actually holds competitive eating contests of all kinds all throughout the year. It's now teamed up with the gambling websiteBetOnline.agto "meet the overwhelming demand for sports content."

The "BetOnline Quarantine Challenge" is a bracket-style elimination eating tournament that will feature eight gastronomic giants facing off via video from their homes. It happens Friday, April 17, at 7 pm ET on various platforms, including MLE'sYouTube channel.

Competitors include the #1 ranked eater in the word, Joey Chestnut, 12-time winner of the Nathan's Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest, and his female counterpart,Miki Sudo, the #1-ranked female eater in the world.

Joining Chestnut and Sudo are these hopefuls:Matt Stonie, famed for eating 255 Peeps in five minutes;Darron Breeden, 528 oysters in eight minutes; chugging champion and yearly Nathan's competitorEric "Badlands" Booker;Gideon Oji, who ate 25 pounds of kale salad in eight minutes;Michelle Lesco, 176 gyoza in 10 minutes; andNick Wehry, 11 pounds of strawberry shortcake in eight minutes.

Foods for each first-to-finish round are as follows:

Qualifying Round: Sliced Bologna -- two pounds

Quarterfinals: Milk and Cookies -- one family pack of Oreos and a half gallon of milk

Semifinals: Baked Beans -- 1.125 gallons (or 10 pounds)

Finals: Ramen Noodles -- 10 individual ramen cups

"While there has been substantial discussion about which professional sport would be the first to return -- with baseball, basketball, golf and MMA all floating recent potential return plans -- competitive eating is first to come back. It is a powerful statement of American resilience," said MLE ChairmanGeorge Shea, who will host the Quarantine Challenge with MLE PresidentRich Shea.

Quarantining Together Could Be Making Your Relationship Stronger

You know how the best movie love stories are when the lead couple beats all the odds and their love ends up persisting against the worst hardships? Basically, if you’re boo’d up right now, you’re the stars of that exact movie. This lockdown is going to challenge your relationship, but in the end, experts say your bond will be so much stronger on the other side of all this.

Couples’ therapistDr. Gary Brownsaystough times like these give you a much better idea of who you’re dating. This crisis is going to bring your bae’s true characteristics to the surface and you’ll be able to catch a glimpse of the real them.The good, bad, and really, really ugly.

Plus you’re getting a first-hand look at how you and your partner deal with stress together. Licensed marriage and family therapistMelissa Divaris Thompsonsays “in quarantine, there is nowhere to hide, so it pushes couples to work through their issues more swiftly and therefore brings more intimacy and understanding.” After this, all those fights over what to watch on Netflix together are going to be a breeze.

  • For your relationship to get stronger, you’ll need to work on your healthy communication skills, and lucky for you this quarantine has provided nothing but time to work on it. Licensed marriage and family therapistDr. Mary Kay Cocharobelieves couples should have deep conversations about their fears around the coronavirus right now. These talks will give you insight on where your significant other needs some support and they’ll point out where you both differ. Whether you’re going fullJoe Exoticand worrying you won’t ‘ever financially recover from this’ or just worried about snack rations, talk about it!

Source:Elite Daily

A ‘Tiger King’ Comic Book Is Coming in June

The popular Netflix docu-series, “Tiger King” will be the subject of a new comic book coming in June. TidalWave announced it will add the Netflix phenomenon to the “Infamous” series of pop culture comic books. It will be written by Michael Frizell and illustrated by Joe Paradise.

“You can’t make this stuff up. I never imagined I’d be researching a book like this,” says Frizell. “It was a challenge to find a focus for the comic because there’s so much happening.” He goes on to say that watching the show changed his perspective. “We all have Joes and Caroles in our lives,” he notes. “And it’s always interesting to me to learn how these extreme characters got to be where they wound up.”

Davis said the comic is not authorized by Netflix, but rather is produced on a fair-use basis. The 22-page comic book will be available in print and digital with two collectible covers by Paradise and Jesse Johnson, the comic book cover artist.


How Much You Should Be Tipping Delivery Drivers Right Now

There’s a good chance that 100% of pizza delivery people never thought they’d eventually have to risk their health to bring people food when they first applied. But that’s the current state of things. Delivery workers are out and about dropping packages, food, groceries, and more on our doorsteps, and it’s time we give them the appreciation they deserve.With a big fat tip.

Here’s some things to factor in the next time you're crunching the numbers on your tip. Obviously, we’ve got that whole coronavirus crisis and risk of catching a virus thing.That’s a big one.Next, you’ve got to factor in that a lot of delivery drivers get the bulk of their cash from the tips. Now add in that many of these services have just made the switch from being a side gig to full-time jobs for some people, and you’ve got the recipe for a heaping helping of gratuity.So let’s get down to dollars and cents.

  • How Much?Pre-coronavirus, a 10% to 20% tip would have worked just fine. However, right now 20% or more should be your baseline. Personal finance editorQuentin Fottrellsays a good rule of thumb is tipping 5% more than you typically would. But times are tough, so if you can’t afford a bigger tip, the least you can do is make sure you rate your driver highly in the app.
  • Etiquette expertThomas Farleyalso recommends “showing your gratitude by writing a positive review on the restaurant’s Google listing or on your community’s most popular site for reviews.”

Digital tips are preferred due to safety concerns but if you would like to exchange cash, consider using a clean envelope to leave outside your door for them.It’s kind of like a mini-hostage exchange for your chicken tenders.


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