Hannah's Headlines - 4/24/2020

Today is Arbor Day - Today is National Pigs-In-A-Blanket Day

How To Get Free Chicken Nuggets At Wendy’s This Friday

Since we could all use a group hug right now, Wendy’s is ready to show everyone some love with the next best thing - a “GroupNug.” They’ll be giving away free crispy or spicy four-piece chicken nugget orders to all the cars that hit the drive-thru tomorrow (aka April 24th).

The fast food chain has also switched up their social media game recently, instead of the savage responses they’re known for on Twitter they’re honoring people who’ve been working hard and need some positivity. Wendy’s calls it shifting from “social roasts to fan toasts.” Along with the free nugget Friday, it’s just another way they’re showing their appreciation.

Source:USA Today

Mom Realizes She Named Her Baby “Lasagna”

Trying to find the perfect name for your baby is something parents take seriously, but sometimes, even though they think they nailed it, they realize it’s not right after all. That’s what happened to one new mom who thought she loved her baby girl’s name … until she realized her nickname would be “Lasagna.” And now she’s having some serious regrets.

In aRedditpost, the mom explains that she always wanted her daughter’s name to beElizabethand planned to useJaneas her middle name and call her EJ. But while she was pregnant, her husband’s mom died, so she decided to use her name,Anya[[Ahn-Yuh]] as the middle name with Jane after it. When the baby was born, Elizabeth was shortened toLizand then her sister pointed out that with her middle name, it creates “Lasagna” - which is exactly what it sounds like when you say “Liz Anya” together.

The mom wasn’t worried at first, but since her own family won’t stop calling the baby girl “Lasagna,” she’s afraid her daughter will get teased at school about it. Now she’s not speaking to her family and she’s not sure what to do about the name. Some people were quick to comment that kids will find something to pick on no matter what her name is, others feel it might be worth a name change. The mom updated her post to say she and her husband are going to legally change the name to Elizabeth Jane Anya to avoid the unfortunate nickname.

Source:The Stir

New Petition Requests Netflix, Hulu, & Other Streaming Services Stop Charging Fees Amid Pandemic

A new petition on Change.org requesting that Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime, and other streaming services make their services free amid the coronavirus pandemic is gaining popularity. According to “Entertainment Weekly,” the petition has almost reached 50,000 signatures.

The petition asks that streaming services consider their place in keeping audiences occupied and entertained while people are forced to stay indoors. Philip Kolas is credited with creating the petition. He wrote that due to the pandemic, millions of people are partaking in social distancing measures, leaving them alone and isolated at home. Kolas believes that with an unlimited amount of free content to watch, people will be more likely adhere to stay-at-home orders.

Opting to stay home and binge-watch movies and television could help reduce the number of new coronavirus infections. The problem right now, Kolas says, is that while consumers are stuck at home, some of them cannot afford to pay streaming service fees, especially if they are out of work.

Kolas calls his plan a “responsible community health strategy.” The petition is not entirely unfounded. Services like HBO and Apple TV Plus are offering select films and television from their catalogs free to nonsubscribers. Streamers like CBS All Access and Showtime have been giving away free months of access.


Politician Locks People in “Haunted House” for Breaking Covid-19 Quarantine Rules

Fed up with people constantly neglecting self-isolation and quarantine rules, a local politician on Indonesia’s Java Island decided to lock rule breakers in a haunted house to set an example for others.

Kusdinar Untung Yuni Sukowati, the head of Sragen regency came up with the idea of taping into the locals’ fear of ghosts as a way to deal with an influx of newcomers in the area. Because of lockdowns in the capital Jakarta and other major cities, Sragen has started seeing quite a lot of people coming in, many of whom completely disregard the rule to self-isolate themselves for 14 days, in case they are infected with the novel coronavirus. To make sure people started respecting the rules, Kusdinar started putting offenders in abandoned houses locals believe are haunted.

“If they disobey self-isolation orders, several villages have asked for my permission to quarantine them in an abandoned elementary school or abandoned houses,” the politician said. “I gave my permission. If need be, they should be locked inside — in a haunted house if necessary. But we’d still feed them and monitor them.”

Officials in Sepat village, for example, chose a long-abandoned house that many in the community believe is haunted, and turned it into a quarantine center for rule breakers. So far three people have been ordered to spend 14 days there.


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