Hannah's Headlines - 4/30/2020

Today is National Oatmeal Cookie Day - Today is National Honesty Day - Today is National Raisin Day

How To Wake Up Happier Tomorrow

Feeling more stressed and anxious these days? You’re not alone and being in the middle of a pandemic can make staying positive challenging. No one is happy 100% of the time, but there are things we can do to help lift our mood, even while we’re isolating at home. Try these positivity-boosting strategies to help you look on the bright side.

  • Set your mind on being happy- Happiness is a choice and starting each day with a positive attitude helps to get you in the right mindset.
  • Do something for someone else- Giving back is a good way to boost your spirits andresearchshows giving time makes you feel better than giving money.
  • Call a friend- We’re social beings and reaching out and connecting with someone you care about can help you feel better.
  • Find meaning in your pursuits- Thinking “once I reach this goal, I’ll be happy” is setting yourself up for disappointment. Instead of focusing on the end result, do things that are fulfilling and add meaning and purpose to your life.
  • Cultivate gratitude- One of the best ways to feel happier is to remember all you have to be thankful for. It’s about shifting your focus from what you don’t have or want to appreciating what’s good about your life.
  • Savor the moment- LikeFerris Buellersaid, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.” We’re all busy, but taking time to enjoy the little things can help us stay positive.
  • Move- Not only is exercise good for your body, it can improve your outlook, too. It releases endorphins, which make us feel physically good, reduce stress, and improve mood.
  • Choose time over stuff- We tend to want to have all the things, but material possessions don’t make us feel happier. Spending money on experiences, like traveling, has been shown to lead togreater fulfillment than objects.

Source:The Healthy

U.S. marriage rate at lowest levels:Marriage is apparently not what it used to be. A new report released by the National Center for Health Statistics reveals that the U.S. marriage rate fell to the lowest level on record in 2018. According to the report, between 2017 and 2018, the marriage rate fell 6% with only 6-point-5 new unions for every 1,000 people. That rate is the lowest since 1867, when the organization started tracking marriage rates. Source:New York Post

Starbucks Plans To Reopen Most Stores By June

Starting next week, Starbucks plans to start reopening some stores and they expect to have 90% of the company-owned locations back open by June. Starbucks COORosalind Brewersays they’ll be rolling out the reopening in stages, starting with 30 locations.

These won’t have any inside seating and she says they’ll “monitor what happens” before moving forward, with the plan to add curbside access to stores later in the summer. The coffee chain will also be utilizing drive-thrus, delivery, and in-store pickup options.

Source:New York Post

The "Furries" Convention Gets Cancelled Because Of Coronavirus Concerns

Sadly, despite the fact that masks and gloves are a big part of their lifestyle, the "Furries" convention in Pittsburgh has been canceled.

Officially called Anthrocon 2020, these are the folks who enjoy dressing as furry animals and hanging out together. Less than a week after Anthrocon organizers said they still hoped to hold their annual convention this summer, the group announced that the event has been canceled. A message on their website reads: "Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, for which there is no timely end in sight, we have been forced to make the sad decision to cancel Anthrocon 2020. We had hoped to avoid it, but it has become clear that we will not be able to provide a convention experience that is both safe and enjoyable for our attendees. We are offering several choices to our attendees who have already paid for memberships."

The gathering, described on its website as one of the world's largest anthropomorphic conventions, caters to the "furry fandom," or devotees of "animals or objects are given human characteristics."

Source: FOX23

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