People Are Microwaving Their Books In Hopes Of Killing COVID

People are getting creative when it comes to staying safe from COVID-19 and it has prompted at least one Michigan library to issue a public warning: Stop microwaving books.

A burned book was returned to Kent District Library after being damaged in a microwave. The library says that you shouldn't microwave anything that isn't food. It seems that library books have metal in the security radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, which are located inside of the book. When the metal entered the microwave, a hole was burned into the cover.

Library officials say that some people think that if they microwave the books, they'll kill any COVID-19 germs that may be on the book. The library also wants its users to know that all materials are in quarantine for 72 hours due to the plastic protection on items, so there is no need to take any further sterilization steps. They are using U.S. Centers for Disease Control guidelines to ensure safety for using library materials.


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