Search engine Ecosia plants a tree for every search

For eleven years,the search engine Ecosiahas used most of the revenue from advertising on its website and app towards planting trees—and this month they planted their 100-millionth tree.

The German nonprofit was established for social good, has earned widespread praise for its founder Christian Kroll – and one reason is that they claim to plant more native species than any other mass tree planting effort.

The phenomenon of mass tree planting began in the early 2000s when scientists began hypothesizing that the increase in CO2 emissions could be countered by replenishing the world’s forests. Since then, projects like Africa’s Great Green Wall (and China’s Green Great Wall) or dozens of others in Asia, like this man who planted an entire mangrove ecosystem, have seen billions of trees planted over the last two decades—although many died due to improper planting or post-planting management efforts.

Ecosia often targets countries that are the most biodiverse, where tree loss directly corresponds with species loss. This has caused them to launch projects in Nicaragua and Peru, Burkina Faso and Malawi, and Indonesia and Australia.

Link:Good News Network

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