Hannah's Headlines- 8/13/2020

Today is International Lefthanders' Day

New 3-D Technology Lets Blind Parents Feel Unborn Baby’s Face

One of the most exciting parts of pregnancy for parents-to-be is the ultrasound. It’s when the doctor gets to make sure the baby is growing correctly, but for mom and dad, it’s when they get to see their baby for the first time and often when they find out whether they’re having a boy or a girl. But blind parents have missed out on this milestone and don’t get to make that connection with their bun in the oven, until now.

Technology has changed the game and now blind parents are starting to get access to a 3-D model of their baby. This allows them to feel what their little one’s face will look like, giving them the experience other moms and dads were getting from visual photos. The idea came from Johns Hopkins Hospital, where they were using the 3-D technology to get a better look at the spines of fetuses who had spina bifida. Now they’re using the high-tech tool to create models of the faces of the unborn babies, because it’s trickier to get the body, but soon it may be possible to do a model of the entire body of the baby.

Taylor Ellis, a 26-year-old woman who is expecting and blind, says getting the model in the mail was unbelievably emotional. “I was a little bit nervous about opening the box,” the mom-to-be admits. “It feels super-real when you can feel it.”

Source:The Washington Post

Dr. Pimple Popper’s Tips For Fighting Maskne

Now that many of us are wearing face masks regularly, we’re having to deal with a dreaded side effect: “maskne.” It’s the term for mask-related breakouts and blemishes that crop up on our faces and it can be tricky to get rid of if you’re constantly wearing a mask. But reality TV skincare expertSandra Lee- you know her as Dr. Pimple Popper - has a hack to keep maskne away.

The dermatologist shares her tip in aTikTokvideo and it’s all about salicylic acid. She uses a body spray that contains the skin-calming ingredient and suggests you spray a little on the inside of your face mask, then fan it a little to dry it.

“Salicylic acid cleans out the oil and debris within your pores preventing acne,” she explains. And according toWebMD, the ingredient works by increasing the amount of moisture in the skin and making it easier to shed skin cells. And if there’s anyone who knows how to get rid of acne, it’s Dr. Pimple Popper.

Source:Fox News

More Companies Are Adopting Paid Menstrual Leave Policies

More companies have recently come out on the side of workplace gender equality, with many announcing a policy allowing women and transgender people paid sick leave for period symptoms.

“Going forward, women at Zomato can avail up to 10 period leaves in a year. This also applies to transgender people working at Zomato,” the company said via Twitter.

The move to allow up to two workweeks of period leave per year was made in the spirit of “truth and acceptance,” the Indian food and dining platform stated on its website blog. Most women in the US will experience some 450 periods in their lifetime.

That’s between 1,350 and 2,250 or so days of uncomfortable and often painful symptoms, such as abdominal cramps which range from mild to debilitating; lower back pain; diarrhea and constipation; sore breasts; headache; skin breakouts; bloating; fatigue; mood swings; and poor sleep — sometimes all at once!

Link:The Economic Times

It's Pumpkin Spice Season at Dunkin’

Dunkin’ is jumping on the fall bandwagon WAY EARLY...and rolling out its autumn lineup earlier than ever. Like now.

We’re talking pumpkin-flavored coffee, espresso, donuts and muffins. But wait, there’s more! Pumpkin spice season 2020 is pulling into port with a new chai latte, pumpkin spice latte AND three new snacks. Better get these while you can because they are only available for a limited time.

“While there is so much uncertainty heading into the fall, one thing our fans can count on is the return of pumpkin at Dunkin’," Nelson says in a statement. “We’re excited to bring them one of the most anticipated flavors earlier than ever before.”

Source:USA Today

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