Your dreams about work decoded

Thanks to our phones and email it can feel like we’re actually working during every waking hour. Which makes it even more upsetting when you finally get to close your eyes and you find yourself dreaming about work.Like seriously, why?

Dream analyst Lauri Quinn Loewenbergsays the common dream scenarios people have around work are being naked on the job, being unable to complete a task, or having sex with a boss. And here’s the good news for everyone that woke up this morning with those lovely images. Loewenberg says your dreams don’t really mean you want them to happen.So no need to call HR on yourself.

  • Dreams About Boss Relations.If you're smooching on your manager in your dreams, it’s probably them you’re into, but their job. Loewenberg says there are characteristics about being a boss that are probably attractive to you. In that case, if you’d like those nightmares to end, try to figure out what parts of your life you can be more boss-like with, and do it.
  • Dreams About Work Issues.If you’re having dreams about poor work performance, it could just be your brain preparing for what’s to come. NeuroscientistAntti Revonsuobelieves that these dreams can be our body’s biological defense mechanism getting ready for a rough time. As science journalistAlice Robbexplains it, dreams could be how our bodies work through anxiety, even before it really happens.


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