Uber is working with a veteran NASA engineer in order to advance the goal of flying cars. Mark Moore has 30 years of experience and now he's working on the ride-hailing company's plan to eventually develop vertical take-off and landing vehicles, known as Uber Elevate.
Why shouldn’t you get excited? The company isn't working on a particular prototype, but rather, the technology that flying cars of the future would use. Google is also investing in the dream of flying cars, putting millions into companies working on similar programs.
Why should you get excited? Two reasons. One: Moore and his team believe we’ll see these vehicles as soon as one to three years from now. Two: His move to Uber is a risky one. Moore believes in the project so much that he left NASA one year shy of being eligible for retirement and walked away from free health care for life and a a huge chunk of his pension. As he puts in, he wants “to be in the right place at the right time to make this market real.”
Source: Bloomberg
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