There’s no doubt lots of little girls love to play with Barbie, and now Mattel has come up with a new way to play with the beloved doll, although play may actually be a strong word.
The toy company just introduced what they are calling the Barbie Hologram, which is a digitally interactive version of Barbie. The toy, which will be priced under $300, features a hologram of the doll inside a plastic container. As long as the device is plugged in Barbie can be on for 24-hours, and gives kids the ability to change her appearance in various ways, like what she’s wearing or even her skin tone.
Hologram Barbie, which is expected to debut in the fall, is meant to be hooked up to the Internet, so as the description says, it is interactive, which means it can do everything from carry on conversations with the user, to teach them dance moves, give them the time and more. It can also connect to Bluetooth in order to play music when synched up to a phone or other device, and can even offer daily reminders to its user.
Source: CNN