U.S. Post Office Gearing Up For 'Stamp Out Hunger' Food Drive
The U.S. Post Office needs your help tomorrow to "Stamp Out Hunger." Pam Donato is organizing the nationwide food drive, which comes at a time where your donations are sorely needed.
The Post Office hopes to collect more than 80-million pounds of food this year. About 49-million people in the U.S. do not know where their next meal is coming from. That number includes 16-million children.
Source: U.S. Postal Service
People Are Buying Up Used Crocs Online
Love them or hate them, Crocs are having a moment. Those rubbery shoes made their first appearance on the Fashion Week runways back in September and they’ve been gaining popularity since.
And get this - according to resale website thredUP, used Crocs are one of their hottest items of the season - selling quicker than more trendy brands like Free People and Anthropologie. The numbers from thredUP show that Crocs are selling 58% faster than any other product they sell! And almost all (97%) of them are bought within three months of being posted.
The average cost of the used footwear is $11, and since they only cost $35 new, the trend is a little surprising. Even thredUP’s head of marketing communications, Karen Clark, is puzzled by it. “We were surprised to see Crocs so high on the list," she explains. "For brands with that high a sell-through rate, it's almost impossible to find them on the site."
So if you have some old Crocs collecting dust in the back of your closet, cash in while you can. Or you could keep them and sport this highly sought after footwear you had long since stopped wearing.
Source: Cosmo
Today is International Nurses Day
May 12th is International Nurses Day! Celebrated around the world every May 12th – the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth – this day honors the everyday heroes that for a long while, didn’t have the respect you’d think. In fact, back in 1953 when Dorothy Sutherland, an official with the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, proposed that President Dwight D. Eisenhower proclaim a "Nurses' Day,” he declined.Still, the International Council of Nurses has been celebrating on May 12th since 1965. For those who don’t know, Nightingale, is widely considered the founder of modern nursing. Born in Florence, Italy, on May 12th, 1820 during the Crimean War, she led a team of nurses to improve the unsanitary conditions at a hospital on a British base. Their work reduced the death count by two-thirds. Nightingale’s contributions didn’t stop there – her work and writings sparked worldwide health care reform. Then, in 1860, she established St. Thomas' Hospital and the Nightingale Training School for Nurses.
Fast forward to January 1974, this day finally became International Nurses Day. So DO take this opportunity to show a nurse who has taken care of you how much you appreciate him or her. Haven’t been ill, but you know one? You can thank them, too. Sad as it is, many people neglect to thank their nurses at all, seeing them only as robots who only know how to follow the doctor’s orders, so every little way to say a simple “thank you” will definitely make their day.
Today is Military Spouse Appreciation Day
This year, Military Spouse Appreciation Day is May 12th! Always the Friday before Mother’s Day, Military Spouse Day was created to honor the spouses of those who serve in our Armed Forces. President Ronald Reagan recognized the profound importance of spouse commitment to the readiness and well-being of military members and declared May 23, 1984 the first Military Spouse Day with Proclamation 5184.
The US Secretary of Defense, Caspar Weinberger standardized the date by declaring the Friday preceding Mother’s Day as Military Spouse Day. Each year, the president normally commemorates this day with a ceremonial speech and proclamation. No matter your political persuasion, the sacrifice of our military families is immense and cannot be denied. So if you know someone that is a military spouse – thank them, would you? Without their support, the men and women of our military couldn’t do what they do.
Today is National Nutty Fudge Day
May 12th is National Nutty Fudge Day! Crunchy nuts and chocolate smooth fudge flavor is an irresistible treat! It’s believed that fudge was accidentally invented the 1880’s when in the United States when a baker was trying to make caramel.
Fudge recipes began to spread around the world with different variations. Fudge is a type of confectionery, which is usually very sweet, extremely rich and often flavored with cocoa. It is made by mixing sugar, butter, and milk and heating it to the soft-ball stage, and then beating the mixture while it cools so that it acquires a smooth, creamy consistency. Chocolate can also be mixed in to make chocolate fudge. Fudge can also be used in brownies. Nutty fudge continues to be one of the most popular fudge recipes.
Parents Can Expect Their College Grads To Move Back Home
While parents may think their work is done once their kids graduate college they shouldn’t start planning their life as empty nesters so fast. Turns out even though kids may be getting their diplomas, a lot of them aren’t quite ready to go off on their own.
In case you missed it, a new poll finds 26% of Millennials in college say they're planning to move back home after they graduate in order to save money and pay off their student loans. And while the thought of a kid moving home may drive mom and dad crazy, it turns out their kids are actually being very smart considering the amount debt most students come away from school with. How so? About 32% of students owe somewhere between $10,000 and more than $50,000 for their education, with the average about $10,205.
- But it’s not like college grads want to stay at home for long. While nearly half of Millennials who already graduated moved back home after school, and another 25% of those still in college say they “expect” to move home, most have definite ideas about when they want to move out.
- Most of those ages 20 to 26 say they would be “embarrassed” to still be living with mom and dad by 28, while 30% said they wouldn’t feel bad until they were between 30 and 34. Even better for mom and dad, only 11% think it’s acceptable to live at home past age 35.
Source: USA Today
It's Official: The Fancier the Car, the More Likely the Driver's a Jerk
It turns out the rich really are different from you and me. They drive like entitled jerks. That’s the authoritative word from researchers who keep track of this sort of thing.
Three studies over the last five years show that people driving expensive cars were more likely to cut off other motorists and less likely to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks.
“This suggests that wealthier drivers may reflect adherence to ethical codes geared towards maximizing one’s self-interest, often at the expense of others,” says psychologist Jeremy Boyd, formerly of the Human Development Program at the University of California, San Diego.
In other words, says Paul Piff, a University of California, Irvine, professor of psychology and social behavior who conducted a motoring study of his own, “money makes you more likely to exhibit the characteristics of being a jerk.”
Similar results were reported two years ago by psychologist Beth Morling from the University of Delaware, who discovered that drivers of more expensive cars were slightly less likely to stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk.
Wealthy people, Piff says, are less willing to take up the perspective of another person and less concerned about another’s well-being, and they tend to equate being better off with being better than others. Money makes people feel more deserving of success, he adds, and less needful of others.
Link: http://www.philly.com/philly/news/pennsylvania/Rich-peo