Kwik trip - w4m (westside of eau claire) hide this posting
this was a few days ago but was scared to post on here but thought what the hell1 im scared of june bugs and so going to kwik trip with the bright lights they justcall them to the building ..well I was walking in to kwik trip on moholt June bugs were flying everywhere so im dodging them..well there was this nice looking guy in his truck watching me laughing his ass off he proceeds to come into kiwktrip andgets in line behind me tells me theres a june bug in my hair so guess what I freak out and screaming ..and hes laughing his ass off again at face was red let me tell you...but hope he see this cause he was damn cute ....hope to hear or see you again
Grocery Aisle - m4m
You and I were in the same aisle and were checking out the booze merchandise. You had on a super hero t-shirt and black sweats. Message me if you see this. You looked like a really interesting guy. Let me know what store and what comic tee you had on.
6am breakfast at perkins - m4w
I was out for breakfast, you were just about done with your I was leaving you said I smelt good...I would have stayed and chatted but I was in a hurry..long shot but if this is you shoot me a message and tell me what color shirt I had on.. or if you know the girl who was working the over night shift at perkins.
24 years ago on a city bus - w4m (Eau Claire)
I flirted with you. You were the bus driver, and I was often the only passenger. I wanted to talk to you, but I was shy and you were a little older than I was. I felt there was mutual attraction, and wish I would've said hello. Anyway, if by some miracle you see this and it jogs your memory, please tell me either where you picked me up, or where you dropped me off :)