Study says being more attractive could hurt your job hunting

If you're looking for work, it might help if you're not too good looking -- that's the gist of a new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

According to a study performed by researchers at the American Psychological Association, someone who is too good looking will likely be at a disadvantage if seeking an honest day's work at "less glorious positions." 

Using pictures of both attractive people and less so posing as "applicants," more than 750 people were asked to categorize each person into either a less glamorous gig -- like a warehouse job or customer service position -- or a more desirable job like a project manager. 

According to a press release, the researchers found that the test subjects in large margin put the better looking people in the more glamorous gig; meaning in "real life," if a good looking person happened to be seeking a job deemed less desirable, they might be left wanting. 

“We found that participants perceived attractive individuals to feel more entitled to good outcomes than unattractive individuals, and that attractive individuals were predicted to be less satisfied with an undesirable job than an unattractive person,” explains lead author Margaret Lee in a release.

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