Half of Americans Christmas Shop While Pooping

Almost half of Americans admit they will be doing their holiday shopping from the toilet this year. Yes, the 2017 PayPal Money Habits report reveals that the 80-percent of Americans who plan to shop via their mobile devices this season will be bargain-hunting from literally everywhere, with 46-percent dropping their cash while they’re sitting on the john. And that’s a 24-percent increase from last year. This backs a 2012 report that counted more than 38 million Americans shopping on their smartphones in the bathroom. And Gen Z is particularly comfortable with shopping on the go, according to a 2015 MasterCard survey, which counted 41.6-percent of Americans ages 18 to 24 browsing while on the bowl.

  • What other multitasking do you like to do while you’re on the toilet?

Link: http://nypost.com/2017/11/10/americans-love-to-christmas-shop-while-they-poop/

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