There’s Another Starbucks Holiday Cup Controversy

Just when we thought we were going to get through a holiday season without a Starbucks holiday cups controversy, another one rears it's ugly head.

In case you missed it, Buzzfeed reports that folks are up-in-arms over a suggestion that the cups have a “gay agenda.” Apparently the drawings that appear on the cup this year include two clasped hands, and folks believe those hands belong to a same-sex couple because a Starbucks commercial for the cups feature two women together. 

"While people who follow both Starbucks holiday cup news and LGBT issues celebrated the video, the ordinary Starbucks customer probably didnt realize the cup might have a gay agenda,” the site reported.

And while some people celebrated the couple in the video, and possibly on the cup, as you can imagine, others weren’t quite as supportive. “So glad McDonald’s has an awesome Caramel Macchiato. I had missed them since I was boycotting Starbucks for treating Trump supporters so badly. #BoycottStarbucks,” one person wrote, while another added, “the new Starbucks cup has lesbian couple on it. Rom 1:26 ‘because of this, God gave them over to shameful lust’…”

Of course, Starbucks probably isn’t worried all that much. As one person noted, “Ah yes, and I’m sure their new plan to #BoycottStarbucks and put them out of business will be as successful as it was last year and the year before that.”

Source: Buzzfeed

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