When Should You Stop Keeping Your Financial Infidelity From Your Partner?

Some people love their money so much they don’t even tell their partner about it. One in five people in a live-in relationship admit to “financial infidelity” — keeping a private bank account or credit card without telling a partner, according to a study released Monday by CreditCards.com. The survey of 2,000 people found 31-percent of millennials, 24-percent of people ages 38 to 53 and 17-percent of baby boomers have at some point had an account they keep secret from a partner. 31-percent of those in a relationship think that keeping a credit card, checking account or savings account secret from a partner is worse than cheating physically.

  • Do you consider keeping financial secrets from your partner worse than physical cheating?

Link: https://nypost.com/2018/01/22/millions-of-americans-keep-this-secret-from-their-partner/

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