Trending: Beer + Yoga = “Broga”

Nowadays you can combine beer with just about anything for a good time, but what about with yoga? A restaurant in a Port Melbourne, Australia hotel is now offering free “broga” classes. The male only class at The Hack Hotel combines beer and yoga- broga- to promote mens’ physical and mental health.

Instructor Nim Rotenburg says adding a few brews to your workout “may help men loosen up for poses.” Jokes aside, The Hack is actually putting on these classes for a good reason. They want to promote not only physical health, but mental health. According to reports, one in eight men in Australia will experience depression. Reportedly in the country six out of every eight suicides are also committed by men. The broga class serves as an outlet for them to come together, have a beer and destress.

The Hack owner Chris Nicolls thinks it’s a great way for men to “make a connection and try something new.” The class seeks to bring men together to get physically fit and have a chat with one another, which they say is good for mental health. Though classes are free, men are encouraged to donate to the mental health organization, Beyond Blue.

Source: Nine News

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