New Viral Challenge on Social Media Involves Bleach And Your Eyes

TikTok is one of the most popular smartphone apps worldwide, especially among teenagers. However, it's also been known to encourage some really bad ideas. Earlier this week, The app was banned by the Indian Supreme Court after a 19-year-old shot and killed his friend while filming a TikTok video.

This new viral challenge asks users to grab “jelly, hand sanitizer, bleach, and shaving cream,” put it in a plastic Ziploc bag and then hold that bag against your eye for at least a minute. Users claim that this will change the color of a single eye, optically. Putting a chlorine-based chemical like bleach near your eye can potentially lead to skin and eye damage, as well as vision loss, if the bag ruptures and that's what has people uneasy about the challenge. 

One teenager posted her video online and it got thousands and thousands of views and likes. In the video, she is holding the bag of chemicals near her eye and when she removes it, her eye is a different color. What people don't realize is that she is simply using the editing software that comes with the app to give that illusion. 

The danger is that some people watching this might not be smart enough to realize that what she is doing has nothing to do with the bag or the chemicals. 

Source: Newsweek

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