Do you feel like you’re constantly telling your kids to “hurry up?” That’s probably because you are. According to asurveyfrom Nutri-Grain, by the end of the school year, parents have said “hurry up” close to 540 times!
In all, more than 2,000 moms and dads about their school year routines and habits and found that one of the biggest challenges parents face in the morning is getting their kids out the door on time. But that’s not all. Moms and dads also admit they need to remind their kidsat least twice in the morningto get dressed, brush their teeth, or put on their shoes.
To make up for lost time spent getting kids ready, the survey finds many parents do their personal grooming on their way to work.
- About 43% of women say they put on makeup during the morning commute and 52% of men shave!
- And if you’ve ever bribed your kid to keep them on track, you’re in good company. More than half of parents reported resorting to bribery, offering time with electronics (39%), a new toy or game (38%), or extra TV time (33%) as a reward.