Kraft Wants You To #LieLikeAParent

Parents will try just about anything to get their kids to eat more vegetables. They’re not above sneaking greens into other foods, telling white lies, or using bribery to get little ones to take more bites. But now Kraft is stepping up to do the lying for moms and dads with a new salad dressing aimed at kids: Kraft Salad “Frosting.”

The company assures us the “frosting” is actually just their “classic Ranch dressing disguised in a frosting tube,” so parents can pretend their children are putting frosting on their veggies. Kraft is even running a contest for families to win free samples of their “frosting.” They’re asking parents to tweet their best parenting lie with the hashtags #LieLikeAParent and #contest, and the best 1,500 entries will win some salad frosting. It might not get the kiddos to eat more broccoli, but they’ll probably have more fun at dinner.

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