Twinkies cereal will be hitting store shelves nationwide next month. Beginning in late December, fans of the sponge snack cake can consume it as a breakfast food, called Post Hostess Twinkies Cereal. The sugary collaboration between Post Consumer Brands and Twinkies-maker Hostess replicates the gas station treat’s golden-colored cake and oblong shape. A one cup serving of the cereal is 180 calories — slightly more than a single 150 calorie Twinkie. “In developing a cereal version of the iconic Twinkies, our top priority was focused on delivering the great Twinkies flavor in each bite,” Josh Jans, manager of brand partnerships for Post, told Business Insider. “Knowing that taste remains the number one purchase driver of cereal, we conducted multiple consumer tests, and the new Twinkies Cereal delivered. We think fans will find that it not only tastes great with milk but also outside the bowl.”