Well, Thanksgiving 2019 is in the books, which means, for those Humbug types out there, there are only a few remaining holiday hurdles to cross before the new year.
A new poll of 2,000 Americans who usually travel to visit family during the holidays reveals 95% say it's important to spend time with them -- but that same poll shows it takes the average person just three hours and 54 minutes before they start to feel sick of the folks they're visiting.
The survey, commissioned by Motel 6, reveals 75% of those who are staying with relatives during the holidays say they planned to take some "me" time away from them during their visit.
One in four say they'll seek refuge in an empty room during a visit to a relative's house, while 37% admit they'll likely fabricate an excuse to leave a family party altogether.
In spite of the stress, 60% of respondents in the OnePoll survey say they bite the bullet and stay with family because "quality family time doesn't happen often." More than half, 53%, say they still find ways to enjoy their holiday visits.
Twenty-two percent of those polled say a lack of privacy is a main cause of visiting stress; 20% say it's family members getting on their nerves; 20% cite family drama; 19% say feeling like a burden stresses them out; and 17% say their family's busy or loud house jingle-jangles their nerves.