If you’re going out on a date with your man this weekend, and their food comes out looking better than yours, you may want to skipgrabbing a forkful of their meal.A new study revealed that unless you’ve been with them for a while, that type of power move is gonna fry their chaps.
According to a new study, it takes dudesfour months of commitmentbefore they’re happy to share food.And yes that means taking the occasional fry as well.Apparently, the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and a good way to get dumped by one iskeeping it from being full.
And speaking of things guys need to be eased into, 67% of men said that they don’t feel comfortable discussing your periods until aftersix monthsinto a relationship.
- So if you’re planning to hide a stash of tampons at their place, hide them well, and you may even want to keep your toothpaste concealed with them.
- A total of one in five men say they can’t even handle seeing their partner’s toothbrush in their bathroom untilfive monthsinto things.
As far as the fairer sex goes, women also had some reservations.They just happen to be more of a “don’t be gross” variety.When it comes to passing gas in front of them, 27% said they want men to wait eight months, and 33% of ladies said it would be great if they never had to experiencethat treat.On a similar note, one in three women said they don’t want their boo to pee with the door open,like ever.