A Daddy-Do-Over is a system of mostly invasive plastic surgery procedures (as opposed to minimally invasive such as mere injections) for men in their late 30s to early 40s who are typically married with two or more children. It is commonly pegged as a way to recapture the youth you had before having a family.
“Daddy-Do-Overs can vary based on a patient’s needs but typically include liposuction of the abdomen, hair plugs, Botox, abdominal etching and penis augmentations.” says board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Norman M. Rowe. Rowe founded New York City's original men’s only cosmetic surgery spa The Club House and specializes in breast, rhinoplasty and revision procedures.
The process itself consists typically of Botox injections but also liposuction of the abdomen, hair plugs, abdominal etching and even penis augmentation. While these procedures can be done interchangeably, liposuction and and botox are usually the most commonly performed in Daddy-Do-Overs.
- Botox:Probably the most popular and most widely used, Botox injections are meant to refresh your face when the effects of aging cause a “tired” look. Tiny needles filled with botulinum toxin (a protein that freezes muscles) are injected into key parts of the face such as the forehead, in between the eyebrows and the crow’s feet.
- Liposuction:A popular surgery among men and women where cannula or thin needles are used to suck fat out through inconspicuous incisions. For Daddy-Do-Overs, the midsection is the most common area for liposuction to happen.
- Hair Plugs:Another surgery that is separately popular, doctors go in and transfer existing hair from the back or side of the head and transplant it to any bald spots (usually the crown).
- Abdominal Etching:This procedure is used to produce better definition in the abs. The fat on top of your admonian is sucked out leaving space for strategic fat rearranging.
- Penis Augmentations:The least popular on this list, the penis augmentation surgery consists of filler injections into your penis giving it either a longer, thicker appearance or both, depending on the technique.
Doctors say men in their late 30’s and 40’s are the most common patients.