Instead of feeling helpless from the coronavirus,let’s get helpful.Millennials are not in the vulnerable category so we’re probably the best suited to help out or family and friends. Obviously, we’ve got to keep on social distancing and handwashing but here’s some more way we can help out.
- Check-in with high-risk friends and relatives.Know someone that falls into the vulnerable categories for COVID-19? TheCDCsays older adults and people who have serious medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, or lung disease are the most at risk with this virus. Call your Grandparents and see if you can get anything from them at the store or make up a care package for your diabetic neighbor.
- Donate blood.Unless you’ve traveled to a coronavirus risk area, been in contact with or been infected by the virus, you could go donate blood. There’s always a need for it and the Red Cross will usually give you a sticker so it’s a win-win.
- Donate to a food bank.Sure you could hoard all your canned beans or you could give some to the food banks in your area that are likely running low. Check with your local pantries and see what they need. If you don’t have much to spare there’s probably a way to give them a monetary donation instead.
- Support small businesses.Lots of small businesses are struggling since people are staying home. Think local and buy some things off their online store or a gift card to use once this whole thing has blown over.