Boy With Itchy Nose Discovers Leech Is Living Up There

Imagine having a constant itchy nose and never being able to scratch it. That's what a nine-year-old boy in China felt like for the longest time. The boy's father eventually took him to the hospital to see what might be causing the itch.

When doctors took a look up the boy's nose, they found what the issue was. Apparently, the boy had a two inch leech living up his nose. The doctors say the leech attached itself to his nasal passage and it was never going to get blown out.

Doctors said that it was probably very small when it first entered the boy’s nose, but it grew as it fed on his blood. The boy drank ‘uncooked water’ on a recent trip to the country and they think that was the most likely source of the leech. 

Source: Unilad

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