The biggest headline in Wisconsin yesterday was a warning for the public. It read: "Don't Eat Cannibal Sandwiches!" Seriously.
It seems the so-called "cannibal sandwiches" are a holiday tradition with cheese heads and they involve raw ground beef which the Wisconsin Department of Health Services says is never a good idea. They warn that indulging in the sandwiches, also sometimes called "Tiger Meat," "poses a threat for Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, Campylobacter, and Listeria bacteria that can make you really sick.
It appears that eight outbreaks in the state have been linked to eating raw ground beef since 1986, and the USDA said in 2018 that hundreds in the Midwest get sick each year after eating the sandwiches. Versions are also made with raw venison, lamb, or bacon, and are sometimes topped with raw egg yolk. The USDA suggests people use the same spices and onion, but just simply cook the beef. They add, "You may be surprised to find that it tastes better."
Source: CNN