Working from home for the past 10 months or so has forced us all to adapt, and for many, that means relying on virtual meetings to connect with our co-workers. And let’s face it, those meetings can be really annoying, and there are some particular things we all experience that are probably driving us up a wall.
Well, now a new British survey, which could easily translate here, uncovers the biggest pet peeves of such video calls, and we’re pretty sure most people have experienced them.
The survey finds:
- The average employee has sat through about five video calls a week.
- Most have dealt with 22% of their calls freezing, with 15% cutting out.
- A quarter of adults lose their patience with these Wi-Fi issues after about just 30 seconds.
- 40% say such issues leave them frustrated, while 21% get fed up.
So, what are the video conferencing issues that are most likely to drive people crazy?
- According to the survey, the Top Ten include:
- Struggling to hear someone but not wanting to say 'pardon' again
- Cameras freezing
- Speaking before realizing you're on mute
- Not being able to see everyone on the call at once
- Not knowing when to jump in the conversation
- Microphone not working
- Struggling to share your screen
- The call crashing and having to log back in
- The call time running out and having to log back in
Source:SWNS Digital