A new roller coaster is currently being built to smash all existing records for speed, height, and track length. Called "Falcon's Flight," the ride will travel across two and a half miles of track, reach unprecedented speeds of 155 miles per hour, plus riders will experience the thrill of diving over a vertical cliff into a 525-feet deep valley thanks to the use of magnetic motor acceleration technology.
The only thing is you've got a long way to go to experience it. Falcon's Flight will be the main attraction of Six Flags Qiddiya(keh-Dee-ya), due to open in Saudi Arabia outside of capital Riyadh in 2023. The coaster will also be the world's tallest free-standing coaster structure, featuring a parabolic airtime hill allowing a weightless airtime experience. It will take up to 20 passengers on a three-minute-long ride that and offers panoramic views of the park.