If you’ve never seen a two-year-old slice of pizza, a woman namedElif Kandemirhas a video for you on TikTok. In a post with over 3.3 million views, Kandemir shared a video of her mother’s pantry she says is filled with portable plastic storage drawers filled with fast food and junk food that never go bad. She opens some of the drawers and shows pizza, fries, and donuts that look edible.
Lots of her viewers wanted to know more. In a follow-up video, Kandemir says her mother is a psychotherapist and nutritionist and started collecting the foods about two years ago. In a voiceover on the follow-up, Kandemir says “most of it is one to two years old.” She says “No food is off-limits,” and that her mother is trying to combat obesity by encouraging people to make better food choices.
Source:New York Post