While most people take a job based on the salary, opportunity or even the perks, it seems there’s another thing that’s very important to a lot of employees - the bathrooms. That’s right, according to a new survey, the condition of a workplace bathroom is a big deal, with 89% of Americans saying it’s a good indicator of how a company values its employees.
Overall, 67% of employees say their office restrooms are excellent or very good, with biggest complaints of nearly half those surveyed being unpleasant smells, clogged or unflushed toilets and empty or jammed toilet paper dispensers. Along those lines, the improvements most people would like to see made include more touchless features, like automatic toilets, motion activated faucets and air fresheners, while full-length mirrors, shelves for belongings and electric hand dryers are also common requests.
- ONE MORE THING! But even if they have nice bathrooms, it sounds like folks aren’t exactly being super hygienic in the workplace. The report finds that 61% of workers say they’ve seen a co-worker leave a restroom without washing their hands, which is up from 42% in 2016.
Source: Yahoo Finance