Has this ever happened to you? You match with a really attractive person on Tinder. You have an incredible first date and begin a courtship. Everything's going well and you've got high hopes. You text, you hook up, you hang out, It’s going great! What happens? Accidentally or on purpose, your new lover lets slip that they're seeing someone else. Maybe it's casual. Maybe someone they just met, or an old flame who's back in town. Maybe it's not even a seeing so much as a "matched with" or "was DMing" — but it still throws you for a loop. You then spend the entire day or night wondering what went wrong if anything. Well, what happened was you just got roached. Roaching is the name for this dating trend — because, as the adage goes, when you see one cockroach, there are many more you don't see.
- Which is more hurtful being roached or being ghosted?
Link: https://www.askmen.com/dating/dating_advice/understanding-the-roaching-dating-trend.html