Don’t Fall For This Netflix Email Scam-An email scam is targeting Netflix subscribers.
The emails tell Netflix subscribers they need to update their billing information. A link takes them to a fake website where they're asked to log in and provide information including credit card numbers.
Cyber security experts say the scam emails that started going out on Friday are relatively well-designed. Netflix said on its website yesterday that subscribers who wonder whether emails are really from the streaming service can go to for information.
Some basic tips to avoid falling for these scams is to always check the email address of the sender, go directly to the website that “sent you” the email and check your account messages, and scan the email for grammar or wording that is not completely alright. Source: USA Today
Sam’s Club Is Selling A Three-Pound Cinnamon Roll
The holidays will be here before you know it and that means family get togethers and lots of food. So while you’re planning your menus for a house full of loved ones, Sam’s Club has you covered on breakfast. The warehouse grocery chain is now selling a cinnamon roll that could feed everyone and then some - this sucker is almost three pounds!
To put it in perspective, a whole tube of Cinnabon cinnamon rolls are only 13-ounces, that means this mega cinnamon roll weighs over three times that much. This thing is layered, dripping in white icing, and can be yours for only $4.98!
So if cinnamon rolls the size of a cake are what you’re into, pick one up on your next Sam’s run. And while you’re there, check out their deals on wine. You can never have enough of that around when family comes for the holidays.
Source: The Kitchn
13 Basic Words You're Probably Pronouncing Wrong
How you pronounce it: Shur-bert
How it's really pronounced: Shur-bit
The proof: The spelling. Not sure where the nonexistent "R" we all add to the end of this word came from. If you need more proof, though, here it is pronounced by an all-knowing dictionary voice...
- Et Cetera
How you pronounce it: Ex-set-er-a
How it's really pronounced: Et-set-er-a
The proof: There's no explanation for why people, far and wide, pronounce this word "exetera," so we're just going to let the all-knowing dictionary voice explain this one.
How you pronounce it: Kill-om-it-er
How it's really pronounced: Kill-o-meet-er
The proof: Well, a kilometer is 1,000 meters. Since we can all agree that meter is pronounced "meet-er," that should be proof enough we've been pronouncing this word all kinds of wrong for a long time. But here's the dictionary confirmation just in case you aren't quite convinced
- Forte
How you pronounce it: For-tay
How it's really pronounced: Fort
The proof: So, you've been pronouncing this word wrong, wrong, wrong your entire life, and it was probs in your quest to sound smart, too (since who really says forte in normal conversations?). Or is that just us? Anyway, this word is really one syllable and is pronounced like the french word it originates from: fort. So, let's just say I'm a great writer, but pronunciation definitely isn't my for-tay.
- February
How you pronounce it: Feb-u-air-ey
How it's really pronounced: Feb-ru-air-ey
The proof: This one is painful to come to terms with since everyone assumes the "R" is silent (since that's literally how EVERYONE pronounces it). But the "R" is NOT silent! You're supposed to pronounce the "R"! But it's important to note that most dictionaries list multiple pronunciations for the word since the silent "R" pronunciation has been so widely accepted, while other dictionaries (like the Collins dictionary) stand by the pronounced "R". We're not even going to touch Wednesday!
How you pronounce it: Per-scrip-shun
How it's really pronounced: Pri-scrip-shun
The proof: The "R" comes BEFORE the "E", not the other way around, but the letters still seem to get switched up when the word goes from our brains to our mouths
How you pronounce it: mis-chee-vee-us
How it's really pronounced: mis-che-vus
The proof: It's in the spelling. If you've been pronouncing this one right, good on you, but there are a ton of people who, for some reason, have been adding an extra "eee" for reasons completely unknown.
- Comfortable
How you pronounce it: Cumf-ter-bull
How it's really pronounced: Come-fer-ta-bull
The proof: Don't think this one needs proof. We all know better... we just can't bring ourselves to pronounce this one right.
- Crêpe
How you pronounce it: Crape
How it's really pronounced: Crep
The proof: If you're in the U.S., the pronunciation of those yummy, thin pancakes that go ridiculously well with strawberries, bananas, and Nutella (never forget the Nutella!) that's widely used and accepted is "crape." But if you want to respect the crêpe's French origins, the pronunciation is actually "crep."
- Wikipedia
How you pronounce it: Wick-i-pee-dee-a
How it's really pronounced: Wee-key-pee-dee-a
The proof: Howard G. Cunningham launched the first Wiki in 1995 and based its name "WikiWikiWeb" on the Wiki Wiki bus (which translates to a "very quick bus") he'd ridden during his stay in Hawaii. And in Hawaii, the vowel "I" is pronounced "ee." Hence, Wikipedia is actually pronounced wee-key-pedia. It's just we've been pronouncing it wrong for so long, Mr. Cunningham has stopped correcting people
- Nokia
How you pronounce it: No-key-a
How it's really pronounced: Knock-ya
The proof: You've been pronouncing this iconic, brick cell phone brand name wrong your entire life. Without a doubt. And this tweet by Nokia themselves proves it!
How you pronounce it: gif
How it's really pronounced: jif
The proof: This is likely the pronunciation debate that will go on for the rest of time. Is it GIF with a hard "G", like gift, or GIF with a soft "G", like giraffe. Well, in 2013, the inventor of the GIF won a lifetime achievement Webby award, and he shut down the pronunciation debate in just five words.