Thanksgiving Dinner-Flavored Pringles Nail It
Wish you could enjoy all the flavors of Thanksgiving dinner without all that cooking and cleaning? Thanks to the brilliant food scientists at Pringles, now you can - in potato chip form. That’s right, Pringles has created an entire turkey dinner in chips and everything from the turkey to the green bean casserole is represented.
So how does it measure up? The brave souls at Extra Crispy were fortunate enough to get their hands on one of the extremely limited Pringles Thanksgiving feasts and their taste-testers say the chips are surprisingly accurate. They vote the turkey Pringle as the best of the bunch, stuffing was another favorite, as was mashed potato. Cranberry sauce Pringles got mixed reviews and the creamed corn wasn’t a big hit here. But believe it or not, the pumpkin pie Pringle was better than expected.
Now if you could just get your hands on one of those trays of the eight flavors of Pringles Thanksgiving Dinner chips, that would be something to be thankful for.
Source: Extra Crispy
America’s Favorite Thanksgiving Pie Is…?
While a lot of us are looking forward to turkey and stuffing on Thursday, many of us can’t wait until the end of the meal for all those delicious holiday desserts. Of course for many that will include some sort of pie, and there’s one pie that’s likely to be on most people’s tables.
According to a poll by Delta Dental, Pumpkin Pie is the by far America’s favorite Thanksgiving pie, a choice of 36% of people. It’s so popular that more than twice the amount of people chose pumpkin over its nearest competitor, Pecan Pie (17%). As for the other pies, they rank in popularity as follows:
- Apple Pie (14%)
- Sweet Potato Pie (10%)
- Chocolate Pie (9%)
- Lemon Meringue Pie (4%)
- Cherry Pie (3%)
- Blueberry Pie (3%)
- Strawberry Pie (2%)
- Other (2%)
Older adults seem to favor Pumpkin Pie the most (41%), and while it’s still Gen-Xers’ favorite, it does find the least support in that generation, with only 28% saying it’s their favorite. Geographically, the West is the most likely to pick pumpkin as their top choice (44%), while the South is the least likely to say it's their fave (31%).
Source: The Street
7-Percent of Americans Think Chocolate Milk Comes From Brown Cows…WOW!
In a study by the Innovation Center of US Dairy, it was found that seven per cent of Americans believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows. That works out at about 16.4m people. These weren’t children either - the research was conducted on 1,000 people over the age of 18. A whopping 48-percent of people said they didn’t know where chocolate milk came from. So beloved is chocolate milk that 29-percent of people use their children as an excuse to buy the drink for themselves.
- Did you believe this when you were little?
Your Water Bottle Is Gross-You may want to rethink the drinking glass thing.
While you may think your water bottle use is helpful… and it is…it still puts your health at risk. A new study says your refillable water bottle may be dirtier than your dog's bone. A team from the website treadmill-reviews-dot-net swabbed the lids of 12 water bottles used by athletes. Each bottle contained about one-thousand times more bacteria than an average dog toy.
The study found that the average athlete’s water bottle had 313,499 CFU (colony-forming units of bacteria). In comparison the average dog toy has 2,937.
Water bottles with a straw top were the cleanest, and slide tops were the germiest. Health experts say you probably won't get sick from your water bottle, but it is important to wash it regularly.
If you leave the bottles in your car or sitting around, get them into your dishwasher. Source: Fox News
$1,300 Worth of Makeup Destroyed By Child at Sephora
A customer at a Sephora makeup store in Georgia snapped photos of what she said was $1,300 worth of makeup destroyed by a small child.
Brittany Nelson posted photos to her Extraordinary Life Makeup Artistry page on Facebook showing a display at the Augusta store that had been smeared and destroyed by what she said was a young child.
"PSA: $1300 of Make Up Forever eye shadow destroyed at Sephora tonight due to a small child. I'm sure he/she thought they were like finger paints and had no idea how naughty they were being. Tons of destroyed product and pissed Sephora cast members are a not a happy place to be," Nelson wrote.
She said she did not see the incident happen, but she caught a glimpse of the likely suspect.
"We walked in right as a lady and her kid were hustling out of there," Nelson told website Insider. "The glittery footprints helped us decipher it was a tiny human."
Nelson's post, which went viral on the social media site, encouraged mothers to leave their "tiny humans" at home when shopping for makeup.
Nelson told Insider her post was "not mom-shaming or kid hating in the least," despite the reactions of some commenters.
Man Breaks Guinness Record by Stuffing 459 Straws in His Mouth
An India man is headed for the Guinness Book of World Records after stuffing a staggering 459 drinking straws into his mouth at once.
Guinness confirmed Manoj Kumar Maharana, 23, of Odisha, broke the world record for most straws stuffed in the mouth without using hands by cramming 459 straws into his pie hole.
Maharana, who was allowed to use elastic bands to keep the straws together but not his hands, has to have all of the straws in his mouth and keep them there for 10 seconds without falling to obtain the title.
Maharana was allowed to use his hands to get the straws into his mouth, but not to hold them in place.
The previous record holder, British man Simon Elmore, stuffed 400 straws into his mouth at an event in Germany.