SodaStream Figures Out How To Turn Water Into Wine
Living in the wine generation the idea of being able to make your own at home sounds ideal, right? SodaStream recently launched an alcohol concentrate called Sparkling Gold, and it does just that. It turns your water into wine!
Unfortunately the 'alcoholic concentrate' is only available in Germany at the moment without any plan yet for other markets, but let's face it - if it's good and it's a hit, it'll make it here. In the meantime, there are other ways to create fizzy alcoholic beverages in your SodaStream this holiday:
Simply pour a white wine into the device, fire up the machine, and you will have a sparkling wine that tastes like Champagne.
If you’re looking for a fizzy mixed drink you can always combine your favorite mixer, hard alcohol, and the carbonate to create a variety of cocktail options.
Source: Daily Mail
Domino’s Has A Baby Registry Now
It all started nine months ago when Domino’s launched a wedding registry in February, so it only makes sense that now they’ve launched a baby registry, too. The pizza chain’s service allows loved ones to buy dinner for soon-to-be moms and dads and new parents, and has some cute toys, gifts, and clothes for the little one too.
Domino’s has teamed up with baby registry giant Gugu Guru to create Here expecting parents can fill their wish lists with pizza specials like “Sleeping Through The Night” and “Hormonal and Hangry,” along with pizza-centric clothing and baby supplies, like teethers and adorable pizza slippers.
“While new parents are focusing on their tiny special delivery, Domino’s will focus on delivering great pizza for dinner, or lunch, or late-night feedings,” says public relations director Jenny Fouracre. “Our baby registry is a fun way for parents and their friends and family to take care of the adults at a very special time in their life.”
All cheesiness aside, these guys are onto something, because when the effects of those sleepless newborn nights kick in, dinner from Domino’s could be a lifesaver.
Source: Fox News
Now There’s A Jumbo Mattress For Co-Sleeping Families
Whether or not you agree with the practice, a lot of families out there are co-sleeping with their kids. This usually involves a couple kids along with a couple parents squeezing into a regular-sized bed every night, which can make it a little tough to get good rest, what with all the squirming. So one company has created giant mattresses that are ideal when you’re trying to accommodate a family of five.
The Ace Collection makes a supersized line of mattresses and the bedding to go with it. They currently offer three sizes in the collectionand they’re all larger than a king-sized mattress, but it’s the Ace Family bed that’s really impressive, even if you might have to knock down a wall to make it fit in your bedroom.
The Ace Family is 144-inches wide and 80-inches long and to compare, a typical mattress is 76-inches wide, so this is almost double that. Sounds just about perfect for a couple of parents and their kids to have enough room to stretch out and actually sleep comfortably.
Of course, all that luxurious mattress space doesn’t come cheap. The Ace Collection mattresses range from $2,000 to $4,000 and that’s not counting the bedding, which of course you’d have to order from them because who else makes sheets twice as wide as king-sized? But don’t worry, they sell a sheet set with a duvet cover in 500 thread count for the Ace Family bed for just $2,965, so you’re all set.
Source: The Stir
Scientists Are Trying To Put a Global Ban On Glitter
All that glitters is an ecological hazard.
Claiming that glitter is an environmental threat, scientists are trying to put an end to all glitter as we know it. They're arguing that the tiny plastic pieces that make up the different shapes and forms that glitter takes add to global pollution, especially in the ocean.
"I think all glitter should be banned, because it's microplastic," environmental anthropologist Trisia Farrelly told the Independent.
Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic that are less than five millimeters long. Many animals ingest the dangerous shards of plastic when they encounter them in their habitats. One study, by Professor Richard Thompson, said that a third of all fish caught in the UK had these tiny plastics inside of them and another estimated that up to 51 trillion microplastic fragments are in the oceans.
"I was quite concerned when somebody bought my daughters some shower gel that had glitter particles in it," Thompson said. "That stuff is going to escape down the plughole and potentially enter the environment."
Plastic particles called microbeads — like the kind Thompson was concerned about her children using — are produced specifically for beauty products and do, in fact, put "marine wildlife under serious threat," UK Environmental Secretary Michael Grove said.
Now There’s A Jumbo Mattress For Co-Sleeping Families
Whether or not you agree with the practice, a lot of families out there are co-sleeping with their kids. This usually involves a couple kids along with a couple parents squeezing into a regular-sized bed every night, which can make it a little tough to get good rest, what with all the squirming. So one company has created giant mattresses that are ideal when you’re trying to accommodate a family of five.
The Ace Collection makes a supersized line of mattresses and the bedding to go with it. They currently offer three sizes in the collectionand they’re all larger than a king-sized mattress, but it’s the Ace Family bed that’s really impressive, even if you might have to knock down a wall to make it fit in your bedroom.
The Ace Family is 144-inches wide and 80-inches long and to compare, a typical mattress is 76-inches wide, so this is almost double that. Sounds just about perfect for a couple of parents and their kids to have enough room to stretch out and actually sleep comfortably.
Of course, all that luxurious mattress space doesn’t come cheap. The Ace Collection mattresses range from $2,000 to $4,000 and that’s not counting the bedding, which of course you’d have to order from them because who else makes sheets twice as wide as king-sized? But don’t worry, they sell a sheet set with a duvet cover in 500 thread count for the Ace Family bed for just $2,965, so you’re all set.
Source: The Stir