Valentine’s Day Statistics
- Average annual Valentine’s Day spending: $13,290,000,000
- Number of Valentine’s Day cards exchanged annually: 180 Million
- Average number of roses produced for Valentine’s Day: 198,000,000
- Percent of Valentine’s Day cards bought by women: 85 %
- Percent of all flowers purchased by men: 73 %
- Percent of women who send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day: 14 %
- Amount the average consumer spends on Valentine’s Day: $116.21
- Percent of consumers who celebrate Valentine’s Day: 8 %
- Percent of women who would end their relationship if they didn’t get something for Valentines Day: 53 %
- Average number of children conceived on Valentine’s day: 11,000
Gifts Most Often Given on Valentines Day (Allowing for multiple gifts given)
- Candy: 5 %
- Flowers: 3 %
- Cards: 1 %
- Jewelry: 3 %
- Dining / Eating Out: 6 %
- Clothing: 4 %
- Gift Cards: 6 %
- Other Gifts: 2 %
Valentine Related Business Statistics
- Number of locations producing chocolate and cocoa products: 1,233
- Number of people employed by the these establishments: 38,794
- Revenue of domestically cut flowers: $403 Million
- Number of florists nationwide: 24,600
- Number of people employed by florists: 123,600
- Number of jewelry stores in the U.S.: 27,484
- Annual revenue from jewelry stores: $2.2 Billion
Would You Go To A School Dance Where You HAD To Dance With The Person Who Asked You?
Utah mother Natalie Richard’s is concerned after finding out her child couldn’t reject a classmate’s invitation to dance at a Valentine’s Day school party because it would be against school rules. Richard’s she was shocked to hear her child tell her she couldn’t tell a fellow student “no” if he asked her to dance at the upcoming event. The daughter’s teacher, however, confirmed to Richard that, in fact, her daughter “has to say yes” and “has to accept” such a proposal.
- Would you let your kids go to a dance where they couldn’t reject someone they didn’t want to dance with?
Happy Valentine's Day! Those with better sex lives more likely to cheat
Just in time for Valentine's Day, a new study of newlyweds reveals those happiest with their sex lives at home are also more apt to cheat on their partners.
Scientists at Florida State University polled 233 newlyweds over three years to try to see what makes some people cheat. While some may think spouses seeking sparks in the sack are more likely to stray, the study revealed that people who have a satisfying sex life "felt more positive about sex in general," and therefore more likely to cheat.
Other findings confirmed some myths, specifically that age and attractiveness has a lot to do with things. However, younger people were more likely to cheat, as are women who were less attractive.
Conversely, men whose partners are less attractive were more likely to cheat, according to the study.
So how do you stay in your lane, when it comes to fidelity? FSU psychology researchers Jim McNulty, Andrea Meltzer, Anastasia Makhanova and Jon Maner found that Attentional Disengagement and Evaluative Devaluation does the trick.
Simply put: the former is finding a way to distract yourself from the looks of a person who is more attractive than your current partner; the latter is the ability to psychologically and subjectively determine that a physically attractive person is less attractive than they objectively are.
The study was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Debt before diet: Survey says people would rather gain a grand in debt than 10 pounds
What stresses you out more: a few extra pounds, or a few extra credit card bills?
A new survey from the online credit checker Credit Karma found that nearly two in five Americans would rather take on about $1,300 in additional debt than gain 10 pounds.
The poll of more than 2,100 Americans revealed that while half of Americans vowed to eat better in the new year, only about a third sought to do something about their debt. In fact, some 38% said they'd take on new debt to prevent a ten-pound weight gain. Men were more willing than women to take on more debt -- up to $2,000 -- to keep their weight where it is. Women polled drew the line at $692 to keep that extra weight off.
On the other end of the scale (get it?), most people were willing to gain 10 pounds if it meant they could shed $1,000 worth of debt.
While on the subject of gender, about half of the women polled said they wanted to spend less and save more in 2018. Only 38% of men polled said they wanted to do the same.
Even more: To get rid of their debt, one in five people polled would skip sex for a year. More women than men were willing to take the abstinence route by nearly two-to-one. Also, a third would skip chocolate or alcohol to be debt free.
Finally, 38 percent of those polled said they'd exercise six times a week for a year to have their debt deleted, while 45% said they'd clean their bathroom every week to have their red ink cleaned.